GIRLS FOUND “IN ACTION”: Business run by “Madame Stella” – New details of arrests of trafficking suspects


As we learned, the police broke into the building around 1 am and found four girls providing sexual services to clients. All the premises and people were searched at the site and a greater amount of money was found, as well as other elements that testify to the activities of the “housemates”.

– The girls are mostly from southern Serbia and one of them is a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are adults, they come from very poor families and they have been forced into prostitution. It’s time to deal with people who make a lot of money from other people’s problems and problems, says our research source.

The detainees are charged with the crime of human trafficking, and insiders assure that the system in Sabac has been worked on to the last detail. The “Golden Beam” in Majur, on the corner near the Soka Tavern, became the center of public attention in the 1990s, when Ukrainian and Russian women arrived. After the arrest, the police expelled them to the other side of the closest border with the Republika Srpska, but as a rule they would return after a few days and continue their “work”.

It is no secret in Majur what has been happening in “Zlatna greda” for years, and the prostitution business, they say, is run by Chief Velja’s wife. They have called her Stella for miles and she came to Majur just as prostitution with Russian and Ukrainian women was flourishing.

– A resident of Majur has a market stall near the Macva stadium in Sabac and sells textiles, mainly underwear. At her home, Stella takes the girls shopping for briefs and bras, and that has been a public affair for years, a Majura resident tells us, who doesn’t want us to mention her name.

Madam Stella, as our interlocutors say, seeks and selects “workers”, takes care of their health and needs, but also provides clients. And among the clientele, at least according to those familiar with the situation, there are also important “hosts” of Sabac: businessmen, public figures …

In the closest neighborhood of “Zlatna clay”, it is said that Chief Velja, after surviving a stroke, was allegedly tied to a bed. Well, they assume that the Vladimirac guy, who was detained along with the hosts, worked as a kind of helper for Stella.

The detainees were detained for up to 48 hours and will be taken to the Šabac Superior Prosecutor’s Office with a criminal report.

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