Gianni and Sladja opened the doors of a luxury home for! The Trajković are celebrating a silver wedding in 2021, and they are also preparing a GALA party! One thing still does not give peace to the singer’s wife, and it concerns her illegitimate son and grandson! (PHOTO)


They want to leave everything ugly that happened to them in 2020, and in 2021 they will celebrate 25 years of marriage and celebrate the wedding of their first-born and the birth and baptism of their grandchildren.

Famous popular singer Radiša Trajković Đani and his wife Sladjana Trajkovic opened the doors of their luxurious Belgrade apartment on the water before New Year’s Eve 2021 and showed in what atmosphere they say goodbye to 2020. In a great New Year’s interview for, the Trajković talked about bad and beautiful things that happened to them in a year that is coming to an end.

The popular popular and his wife revealed at the beginning of the conversation that they do not plan to buy new properties in 2021, and that their priority now is to repay the loan and educate their children.

Photo: Private archive

– In 2021, we plan to return everything we borrow. We are joking, we have no debts, thank God. In 2021 there was not much income, but we had a lot of fees and bills … We pay fees to the children for the apartments, otherwise we don’t have other loans, we pay the same for schooling … It is important to us now that Gianni starts to work and start living normally – Tell Trajković for and reveal that in 2021 you hope your youngest son will be happy with good news Marko.

Photo: Private archive

– In 2020 there were beautiful moments, the ugly thing that happened to us, when we served that sentence at home, that’s the only ugly thing that happened. Everything is behind us now. The crown of 2020 was the arrival of our grandson Nikola to the world and there is nothing more beautiful than that. It is quite possible that our second son Marko will surprise us in 2021 with a wedding or another grandson. He is in love with his ears, he does not part with the girl, he is more with her than Milos with his wife, the singer and his wife say, and Sladja points out how close he brought them in 2020 and how much Gianni misses the performances and the audience.

Photo: Private archive

– This is the first time in 25 years of marriage that we have been together so continuously that we have not separated. They were great. At first he liked to rest, because he used to work at full throttle, and lately I can see what is missing. Not so much financially, no one will be left hungry. He misses the people, the public, the trips, he’s just used to working. We are all used to Gianni now when he starts working it will be unusual for us. However, we say: “This 2020 has not happened again” – says Slađa, and Đani reveals that big celebrations are expected in his family next year, and that he plans to surprise his wife for a silver wedding.

– We will definitely have a big celebration, to celebrate the proper marriage of a son and the birth of a grandson. We look forward to 2021, when this is all over. However, Milos is our firstborn, there will be a big celebration, a wedding and Nikola’s baptism together. Sladja and I are having a silver wedding in 2021. We are celebrating 25 years of marriage. I keep telling Sweet, preparing a surprise for her. Let’s get out of all this, there will be joy in Trajković in the coming period, the singer notes, and the Trajković also reveal how they will surprise the heirs for the New Year and what they have prepared for their grandson Nikola.

Photo: Private archive

– Our children are already grown up, we have provided them with everything they need. Honestly, our children are not really arrogant and they know the situation that I work less, they don’t ask for anything, they don’t go anywhere. If you need some tracksuits, sneakers, we’ll see, Sofia is a bit in her style, but she’s also good. It is important that everything is as it should be, Sofía enrolled in high school, we all follow classes together, although sometimes Sladja is a little more, Sofía sometimes falls asleep for something, but hey … Children have everything, so much slippers as mobiles. We now, when we enter the store, we no longer look for ourselves, now everything is subordinate to the grandson. Milos tells us that we buy a lot from him, and Sladja tells him: “Take care of your business.” We are still waiting for him to grow up to buy him toys, now he is still small, we mostly buy him clothes. Now we are preparing a big New Year’s package for our grandson, says the famous married couple for our portal, and Slađa reveals how the Trajković family will spend New Year’s Eve, as well as when it was most difficult for Goanija to go out in front of the audience and give a performance.

Photo: Private archive

– We are home for the new year, we will all be together. Marko, Milos, Sofia, the baby, me, Gianni, if he can’t make a performance due to the situation, and if he goes, we’ll meet without him. We live off Gianni, that’s his job. He sang many times even when they didn’t sing it, but he has to. The hardest thing for him was when my mother died, he was very attached to her, he loved her very much and he had to give a performance. He had to go sing the day after the funeral. She has days when she doesn’t even want to talk, much less sing, and she has to, what will she do … It’s a job – says Sla dicea and reveals what kind of party she’s preparing for the reception.

– On the New Year’s table, of course, there will be sarma and pastries, Russian salad, cakes, cakes, there will be everything – he points out and reveals whether he heard from his illegitimate son Nicholas, who lives in the United States, after having a granddaughter, who was also named Nikola.

Photo: Private archive

– I texted him, we didn’t hear from each other. He must have heard of it, his father’s brothers or someone told him. It is not in the world. He did not call me, we did not listen to each other, he did not even congratulate me, nothing … I would like to see and listen to each other honestly. They say, “If everything was okay, it wouldn’t be okay,” Sladja said at the end of the interview.

Author: MK
