Berlin – Serbia will better cope with the current crown crisis in Europe, concludes the respected German daily Bild.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos / alexlmx
That is, the German newspaper made a comparative analysis of how each country responded to the challenges of the epidemic and with what success it overcame it.
“It is clear that the economy in some countries is growing faster and more robust than in others, but never before has the difference been greater than in the crown crisis,” Bild said in an article titled “Countries compared to crisis: that is why the crown makes a difference or because “Serbia is coming out of this crisis better.”
“Bild” points out that the European Commission’s autumn forecast confirms Serbia’s “first place” in the European framework, and analyzes how our country has achieved it.
As reasons for Serbia’s successful passage through the crisis, the document cites a brief conclusion, implemented with financial assistance to affected industries, high investments in infrastructure projects, focus on digitization, significant growth in agricultural exports and the fact that tourism plays almost no role in the economy. countries.
Analyzing the impact of the crisis on the world’s economies, “Bild” states that GDP in the first half of this year, for example, fell 31 percent in Peru, while it grew 0.3 percent in China.
In the text, published in the online edition, the German newspaper states that even at the time of the previous great financial crises, 1987 and 2009, these differences were not so great, but amounted to a maximum of 11 percent. According to the newspaper, Germany is facing a 5.5 percent drop in GDP.
Bild, looking for factors that affect the economy, claims that the number of people infected with the crown and the dead has a significant negative effect. “The more sick and dead, the worse the negative effect,” the document states. It also states that more industries are helping, because countries with a strong industry, according to OECD experts, are in a better position to go through the crisis, because the industry, while restaurants, hotels and others are closed, can be restarted, if it closes
Countries that rely too heavily on tourism during the crown of the pandemic have suffered long-term consequences. According to the OECD analysis, the length and type of “blockages” have significant consequences for the depth and duration of the crisis, adds “Bild”.