Georgiev: The right time for an interview with Djukanovic, threats in the networks for that


Newsmax Adria’s director of news and programs, Slobodan Georgiev, said that the reaction to the interview with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, which was broadcast by Nova S, was expected of him, “especially in these extreme and radical circumstances.”

“This is an exclusive interview and good journalists are doing it. Djukanovic did not give an interview to anyone after the elections, except us. He is the president of Montenegro and a great political figure in the region,” Georgiev told Danas.

He also asked if there was a better reason to do an interview with Djukanovic, at a time when his party is losing the elections, stating that the interview was arranged before the elections and that there is no mystery or secret agenda for which some accuse them. .

As he said, they were not expecting any spectacular information from Djukanovic, “but he said many important things about how he sees the post-election process, but also the role of Serbia in the run-up to the elections.”

“We didn’t do a story about Djukanovic, we investigated his affairs or his involvement in any crime, so we approached him and said, ‘Okay, buddy, let’s talk a bit about this crime. It wasn’t such a conversation,'” Georgiev noted. .

He wrote on Twitter that the announcement of the conversation with Djukanovic provoked strong emotions, some so strong that they threatened to “hang him from Terazije”, others that he would be killed.

Georgiev also told Danas that he constantly faces threats, stating that it is a social media language that does not tolerate nuance.

“Police tend to react to serious threats because I post them publicly,” he said.
