George Bozovic’s death remains a mystery, it is not known where the fatal shot came from


Djordje Bozovic Giska, Commander of the Serbian Guard, was killed by a bullet! He may have been assassinated by Croatian forces, but Belgrade State Security could also have dispatched the assassin, Duke Rade Čubrilo, former commander of the Medak-Eastern Gospić Territorial Defense, once revealed.

Čubrilo was 20 or 30 meters from Giška’s place of death and discovered that Božović could have been hit even from the barracks, which were surrounded by “zenga”.

photo: YouTube print screen

– Giška was beaten while standing at the intersection of Nada Dimić and Bilajska streets. Most likely you were shot from the direction of the buildings, which are 100-150 meters to the north. There were members of the Croatian forces in them, and Giška flew into the cleared field and received a side impact. The entry wound was under the left side of his chest, and the exit wound on the right side, between the hips and the kidneys, reveals Čubrilo, who did not see the moment of the death of the leader of the Serbian Guard.

He does not rule out the possibility that someone has been inserted into the besieged “Stanko Opsenica” barracks to kill Giška, but notes that he has no further information.

photo: Đurić

– All I know is that they didn’t kill him from behind. He was taken away by his cousin, who later died himself, while Giška was transferred to Medak, to the church. In our country an autopsy was not performed because there were no conditions. His body was wrapped in a blanket and a flag, and then a dozen guards took him to Belgrade, Čubrilo notes.

Čubrilo says that 80 guards participated in the Gospić liberation action, and the other 300 people were from the Territorial Defense, the Krajina militia and a JNA company. – After Giška’s death, Branislav Lainović Dugi arrived and took 50 guards away, while two companies remained on the front line – Čubrilo says.

His body is incorruptible

Relatives, godparents and friends of Đorđe Božović Giška recalled that this great man was killed that day at 15:50, and that he once said: “If you bring me dead, bury me in Kuči.” At the same time, they point out that when Giška turned 26, he and the remains of his parents Milena and Gavrilo were transferred from Belgrade to Kuče, to the Martinique cemetery, Giška’s body was incorruptible! This was witnessed by the priests

He says that three months later, while in Belgrade, he heard speculation that Giška was assassinated from behind. I cannot say with certainty who Giška’s executor is. The murderer could have been on the Croatian side, and someone from the barracks could have shot. I cannot say that State Security could not send the murderer from Belgrade – says a witness to the war in Gospić. Giška arrived in Lika with 130 volunteers and about 400 people participated in the liberation of Gospić.

– We agreed on a strategy and Giška left with his fighters. Our goal was to reach the water and the bridges, which were in the hands of Croatian soldiers. In the devastation that occurred when Giška was hit, Croatian forces hit a tank with a trombone. We had one tank, which collided with another. In strange circumstances, the JNA members left the tank to the Croats, under the pretext that it was defective. The Croats seized it, we stopped the action and the bridge and the barracks were in the hands of the Ustashas, ​​recalls Čubrilo on September 15, 1991.

In the general chaos of the war, I was unable to attend Giška’s funeral. I went to the cemetery when they gave him 40 days and then I paid tribute to him and said goodbye to him – recalls Rade Čubrilo.

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