GENERAL, THIS LOOKS LIKE A SERIOUS ARMY: Vucic couldn’t hide his satisfaction after the exercise


Following the end of the Sadejstvo 2020 military exercise, Vučić repeatedly congratulated members of the army and their commanders for what they had shown, and could not hide his enthusiasm for the current equipment of the Serbian Army.

What he saw, he pointed out in his speech to journalists, is the army of all the citizens of Serbia, which helped them when it was most difficult in the covid, but also that will protect them and never put them in danger.

– What could be seen today is the merit of all people, of all citizens. Regardless of national and religious affiliation, the Serbian army belongs equally to Serbs, Bosnians, Hungarians, Romanians, Slovaks, Ruthenians, Croats, Roma, and everyone else. This is your army, which helped when it was most difficult, in kovid, which will watch over your houses, never put you in danger – he said.

He said that during the exercise he was afraid that someone would get hurt, because combat ammunition was used.

– Everything should have been reported without fail, from tanks, planes. It’s amazing when Migs beats air to ground. I did not have the opportunity to see MIGs fly when I was minister, because we only had a MIG 21 that could fly and we did not have a MIG 29 like today – he added.

He congratulated the army, saying that he was happy and proud of our army and soldiers, who carried out a complicated operation, because there were many weapons and tools in one place.

– All the ammunition. The Defense Minister told me that we had generations that did not fire live ammunition – said President Vučić.

– Helicopter landing in a small area … In two rows with tanks firing live ammunition one on the other … These are some of the things we have never done – said Vučić.

He added that many tools and weapons were seen today that people could not see until now.

The president noted that it was the first time that all Serbian army aircraft had been armed with missiles and air-to-air or air-to-ground guns.

Along with them, he claimed, the tanker trucks, BDM, Lazar, did a “terrible” job and showed exceptional preparation, dexterity and training.

Vučić also pointed out that for the first time, citizens were able to see new Chinese drones in the air, as well as our Vrabac planes and much more.

– It is a different image of the army – emphasized Vučić.

The president expressed his conviction that everyone who saw him was proud, as well as that after many years with members of the army he saw that they were satisfied and proud to be part of our strong army.

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