Laboratory studies have shown that raw garlic kills bacteria, lowers blood lipids, and potentially lowers blood pressure.
Some studies have also shown that garlic can boost the immune system to slow tumor growth.

For 7 days, drink garlic and water every morning once a month. Let it be your healthy habit.
When is the right time to drink white water?
1. Before traveling to have a stronger immunity
2. When is it necessary to cleanse the body of toxins
3. At the first signs of a cold
8 cloves of garlic
1 liter of water.
Peel a pumpkin, grate it and cut it in half. Rinse the chen under a stream of water and then place it in a jar. Pour in a liter of water and close the jug. Leave it in the fridge for an hour before using.
How to use:
Mix 1/4 cup of white water with 1 cup of plain water.
DAY 1: Drink every hour and a half during this day.
DAY 2: Drink white water every two hours or at least three times a day.
In the following days, drink white water several times a day.
On the fourth day, be sure to take a new dose to use for the next three days. Always keep white water in the refrigerator.

Kurir.rs / Novosti.rs / MM

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