Belgrade – Tenants of business premises, who did not pay rent during the state of emergency according to the City’s decision, will have a 30-day period to declare payment of their debt.
Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos, dutourdumonde
Business tenants, who did not pay rent during the state of emergency based on the City’s decision, will have 30 days to indicate whether they want to pay 50 percent of the debt by the end of the year or the entire debt in 12 monthly installments. next year, said the deputy mayor. Goran Vesić.
“It was the City’s first contribution to protect independent restaurant and store owners, who had more problems during the state of emergency because they were not working,” Vesić said.
Speaking on TV Pink, he stated that until now the rule for gardens was that if the front of the garden is narrower than three meters, you have the right to request the consent of the neighboring building to expand, but if the front of the garden is wider than three meters, you are not had.
“It has now been abolished and everyone has the right to request the expansion, with, of course, the consent of the one in the neighboring building,” Vesić said.
He added that all the rules remain, among which are the consent of the Ministry of Traffic, the project and the like.