“GARA WILL NOT RECEIVE A VACCINE”: A devastating video of students in Serbia was taken in an underground passage


Despite the increasing number of infected and deceased, the calls of medical workers who constantly speak of the overbooking system, a large number of people still challenge and drive on their own, as if we are not in the chaos of the crown. The best example comes to us from the group that should be more aware, the future of this country, the students.

When the members of the group “Goci Band” recorded the satirical song “Vakcina”, they probably could not even dream that its text would become a favorite song among young people when it came to opposing protection measures. And that is exactly what happened in the underground passage near Zeleni venac in the center of Belgrade.

Without masks, without distance, in the bottleneck of this passage through which tens of thousands of Belgraders pass daily, the students played with joy and sang aloud the verses of this song “Gara will not receive the vaccine, he does not believe in world medicine, Gara. ” he will not receive the vaccine, he receives the vial in Sokolac. “

The song is probably funny, the mood is on the level, and Belgrade is the biggest hotbed of the corona virus in Serbia. People who wear respirators are fighting for a naked life, and those in whom the world remains, seemingly never happier and happier.

Commenters on social media portray the disbelief that accompanies viewing this video:

“I sincerely hope these are not medical students.”

“And does that Gara have grandparents, does he have parents? Does he still want to have them?”

“The last time has come that the youth who should be the bearer of change are playing a round of nonsense”, are some of the comments on Twitter below this video.

The corona virus takes lives and the numbers are not encouraging. If people continue to grapple with the crown instead of addressing the crown, “turn care into joy” could become a “joke of the devil.”
