Gajić: Andrej Vučić is in conflict with the police because it prevents him from doing what he wants in Vojvodina – Politika


The president of the Legal Council of the People’s Party, lawyer Vladimir Gajić, said today that the brutal beating in Novi Sad for which Ivan Kontić is suspected served as an occasion for a new conflict between the Minister of the Interior, Nebojsa Stefanovic, and the brother of the Serbian president, Andrej Vucic. he does what he wants in Vojvodina. “

Gajić: Andrej Vučić is in conflict with the police because it prevents him from doing what he wants in Vojvodina 1Photo: FoNet / Nenad Djordjevic

“The beating is being used to ‘bring order’ to the police in Novi Sad, which is interfering with the work of a serious international cartel in a certain segment.” Miroslav Parović, who posted the video of the beating, is an exponent of the mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, who is an exponent of Andrej Vučić. The injured young man is silent because he believes it is better for him than to cut off his head, “Gajić told H1 television, according to a statement from the People’s Party.

Gajic said that in the conflict between the police and the prosecution in Novi Sad, “the police are more right,” adding that “without a doubt” what the Novi Sad police chief said was that the police informed the prosecution about the fact that night.

“I think they informed the prosecution. According to the Criminal Procedure Code, the ‘commander’ of criminal procedure is the prosecution, not the police,” Gajic said.

Gajic added that there is a permanent conflict between Stefanovic and other powerful and important parts of the SNS.

“The problems for Stefanović began when he expelled Dijana Hrkalović from the Ministry of the Interior.” We must not forget that there was influence from Washington, as well as his connection to one of the Montenegrin clans that participated in 90 percent of the mafia liquidations in the past years, “Gajic said.

Gajić added that the beating for which Ivan Kontić is suspected will fall into oblivion, as will the arrest of his client, “Krušik” worker Aleksandar Obradović, who was arrested exactly one year ago.

Gajic assessed that there is no longer a dividing line between crime and the state in Serbia.

“Since Aleksandar Vučić came to power, the fans have taken over the safety of the rafts, they do not answer to anyone, they sell drugs on the rafts, there are murders in the center of Belgrade … Serious crimes go unpunished and they do what they want, like he did. Zeljko Raznatovic Arkan in the 1990s, “Gajic said.

Gajic stated that “the state is involved in all criminal activities that generate a lot of money, such as weapons and drugs.”

“The definition of organized crime is a link between the state and the mafia. The state cannot fight organized crime because it is involved. Parts of the police are involved in all crimes. That is what the reports of all possible international institutions say, saying that Serbia is a hybrid state and no longer democratic, as well as that corruption and crime are the number one problems, and the state does not pay attention to them. “Gajic said.

Gajic evaluated that “the worst moment is yet to come.”

“Imagine what Serbia will be like when the government changes, how many murders there will be.” If anyone believes that this regime will leave the government with the elections, they are very wrong, “Gajic concluded.

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