GAF OF THE LEADER B92 IN THE DAILY! It was not clear to viewers what he said, many were offended (VIDEO)



08.09.2020. 13:10 – 08.09.2020. 13:22

The video with the error made in the newspaper went viral on social networks.

Head of b92, Photo: Printskrin

Three days ago, the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, Zoran Djordjevic, spoke on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia placed a wreath at Monument V / 3 of Kragujevac High School, where students and teachers of this school were shot in 1941.

However, something completely different could be heard on the national television newspaper B92. That is, the host of the newspaper made a slip or an inadvertent mistake and called the monument to the tragically deceased students no less than “five” instead of “fifth three”, because the name refers to the class that was shot in those unpleasant moments.

Onlookers were confused by what was being said, and many wondered which monument was “ve tri” and where the fortification came from in Serbia, who it was dedicated to, and where the monument was in general. After the first confusion after the host’s slip-up, everyone realized that it was still a monument of the V / 3 of the Kragujevac institute, and not a postulate of “three”.

Do you watch television?

In social networks, the video with the error made in the newspaper went viral, and many of the comments were very funny, but many of them were also in the direction that it is unacceptable that this type of error appears on the national frequency and that in a way it’s a joke. mocking the memory of the tragically shot students. Many users of social networks were very angry that news on such topics was presented in this way. Overall, however, the presenter appears to have inadvertently caused a storm in the audience, and the video is spreading like wildfire across the internet.

Let us remind you, the memorial to executed students and teachers – “V / 3” is located in the Memorial Complex Memorial Park Kragujevac October, at the place where the largest group of students was shot along with 18 teachers. The monument was erected in 1963 and represents an original work of art by sculptor Miodrag Zivkovic, who was inspired by the Roman number five and remained recognized by that name for decades before.

Multiple symbolism occurs through this sculptural work. It is reminiscent of clipped wings and the inability of a weak bird to separate itself from the ground, unable to take off. It also symbolizes the V / 3 class of the Kragujevac institute, whose students were murdered here and in whose honor the monument was erected.
