FUNERALS IN SERBIA DURING THE CROWN: The interval between funerals is only 15 minutes, and the reason is terrifying.


The number of funerals is almost double than in the same period last year, and due to the large crowd in some cemeteries, the deceased are also buried on Sundays. More than 80 people were buried or cremated in Belgrade just yesterday!

The Belgrade JKP “Pogrebne usluge” confirmed to us that the number of funerals has increased and that it is a consequence of the current epidemiological situation. In some cemeteries, the interval between funerals is only 15 minutes.

– There are overtime, in the previous two weeks there were also funerals in some cemeteries in Belgrade on Sundays – they say in JKP “Pogrebne usluge”. – So far, we have been able to carry out all the necessary activities with the number of employees available. We take special care of the health of the companions who are dedicated to the burial, transportation and direct care of the deceased.

According to the information service of this company, in the cemeteries of Belgrade the measures and recommendations issued by the competent state, municipal and health authorities are respected.

– Masks are compulsory at funerals, and five people, including priests, can attend funeral chapels at the same time – they say in “Funeral services.” – During funerals and farewells, security advises those present to wear masks and the recommended distance.


EMPLOYEES in the Nis cemetery do not hide that the crown decimated them:

– We are under attack right behind the health workers. Many of our workers are infected, but we try not to feel it. The situation is similar in other places, but it is not discussed. We are in direct contact with the parties and we only have protective masks. Everyone talks about health workers, as if they did not know that the man who died from the crown within half an hour is in the chapel and that we are also exposed to a great risk to health.

The situation in the Nis cemeteries is different, and the employees say they cannot introduce bans because it is a public area. Last year at this time, five to seven people were buried daily, and now between nine and 12 funerals are being organized.

– There are a number of people much greater than allowed. The communal police come from time to time and check if the measures are being respected, but they don’t do it every day, the employees tell us. – There are many more people present in the chapels and in the church than is allowed. Most wear masks, but not all. We have no right to react.

Photo by N. Skenderija

In addition to Belgrade, Kragujevac is an important hotbed of the epidemic in this wave. The number of deaths in November in this city is almost double that of last year. In the largest cemetery, they had 30 funerals in November last year, and these 62, in the second they had 29, and now 41!

– We have not yet started burying people on Sunday – says Marina Arsenijević, head of the marketing department of JKP “Šumadija”, for “Novosti”. – It is recommended that funerals be held in the closest circle of the family, the deceased are exposed in front of the chapel. We also respect other measures.

When scheduling, the attention of the family is drawn to the fact that the funeral is held in the closest circle, sometimes there are a little more than ten people, but not many. Funeral time is limited and employees directly participating in the funeral must wear space suits. In the city cemetery, all rooms, chapels and the area where the funeral takes place are periodically disinfected.

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