FULL LIST: Today, you will receive a medal from President Vučić


On that occasion, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, will award decorations to deserving individuals and institutions who have distinguished themselves in the fight against the contagious disease kovid 19.

As “Novosti” finds out, the list of winners includes Doctors Predrag Kon, Mijomir Pelemis, Srdja Jankovic, Branislav Tiodorovic, Danica Grujicic, Goran Stevanovic, Marija Zdravkovic, Ivana Milosevic, Radmilo Jankovic and Nebojsa Ladjevic.

The Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bethel, and Nikolai Mukhin, a Russian academic, author of the mosaic in the Temple of Saint Sava, are also on the list of winners. There is also Jelesije Radivojevic, Brigadier General and Deputy Commander of the Training Command, Colonel Radivoje Andjelkovic, Commander of the temporary hospitals “Belgrade Fair” and “Arena”, and the list also includes members of the army and police, the Health Institute Public “Trampoline” and several journalists.


A hygienist from the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Serbian Clinical Center, Ana Stojković, and Branko Antić, a taxi driver from Belgrade, joined the Meritorious Society in the Fight Against Kovid. Posthumous recognition will also be awarded to 13 citizens, mostly doctors.

As part of the central state commemoration ceremony, Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Minister of Labor, on behalf of the Serbian Government, will today lay a wreath at the Memorial Ossuary of the Belgrade Defenders in the First World War, as well as the President of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dacic. , Associations for the promotion of the traditions of the liberation wars of Serbia and representatives of the diplomatic corps.

Armistice Day in World War I is marked in memory of November 11, 1918, when the armistice was signed in the French town of Compiegne and the First World War ended. The armistice was signed in a special car of Marshal Ferdinand Foch.

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