FULL HOSPITALS IN BELGRADE! Overnight corona infected patients referred to SMEDEREVO, MLADENOVAC AND POŽAREVAC


The number of new coronavirus patients continues to rise, so the hospital capacity is filling up rapidly, and during the last night, Belgrade patients with covid symptoms were sent to the hospital in the surrounding areas.

According to RTS, doctors at the Institute for Emergency Medical Aid during the last night responded mostly to calls from patients with symptoms of covid. After the diagnoses in the Belgrade ambulances, they were sent to Smederevo and Mladenovac.

In addition to Smederevo and Mladenovac, as of this morning, the ambulance team has been transporting patients to Pozarevac, and five patients from Belgrade are currently hospitalized in that city.

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon announced a few days ago that the hospital’s capacities will be filled and that there will be problems with the accommodation of patients in Belgrade.

He said that “the situation in Belgrade is critical”, that hospital capacities are filling up at high speed and that a temporary solution is being sought in the form of accommodation for Belgrade patients, who may be outside the capital.

VIDEO: Sequence of symptoms in coronavirus
