Full accommodation capacity, more beds required


A convoy of cars with tourists from all over Serbia waited patiently in front of the toll ramp at the motorway exit at the entrance to Jagodina.

Queues of visitors waited patiently in front of the entrance to the Aqua Park, the zoo, the Museum of wax figures. All accommodation capacities in Jagodina are full. Looking for a room and one more bed.

photo: City of Jagodina

The Jagodina water park was visited by almost 5,000 people from all over Serbia, in compliance with all the prescribed epidemiological measures. Most of the visitors came from Belgrade, Kragujevac, Krusevac, Aleksinac, Nis, Novi Sad. The parking lot in front of the Jagodina water park and the Vivo shopping center was too small to accommodate all the guests, so the surrounding streets were lined with parked cars with license plates from Subotica to Vranje and from Uzice to Pirot.

In addition to visitors from all over Serbia, the Jagodina water park is regularly visited by students from all over Serbia studying in Jagodina, as well as students from Jagodina. They have been enjoying this “Jagodine Sea” for free for years. Citizens of Jagodina buy monthly tickets on favorable terms and also regularly enjoy the contents of the Aqua Park.

photo: City of Jagodina

Around 1,000 people visited the Jagodina Zoo at 4pm, as well as the only wax figure museum in this area. In the Aquatic Park, Zoo, Museum of Wax Figures and Potok Park, the hosts were in charge of the application of all the necessary epidemiological measures.

The photos and video we recorded today show that tourists still enjoy the beauties of the tourist beauties of Jagodina.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
