From the sentences they read in it, the police were called immediately and the doctor from hell was exposed



05.09.2020. 14:21 – 05.09.2020. 14:33

A case that set Serbia on its feet.

Window, scenes


Against forensic doctor Sh. T. (66) from Novi Sad, on September 1, an indictment was filed for the crime of attempting to have sex with a child, writes Dnevnik. The crime is punishable by five to 12 years in prison.

According to the decision of the court panel, his detention was extended until October 2.

Let us remind you, Sh. T. was arrested on the night of March 5 on suspicion of forcing a twelve-year-old girl to touch him unduly on private parts of the body and, in exchange, gave her money. He was detained in the Lipov gaj settlement, where he lived. During a search of his apartment and cabin on Fisherman’s Island, police seized a mobile phone, tablet and computer to determine the contents.

The unpleasant fact allegedly came out from the diary the girl kept, which she forgot at school. According to unofficial information, she, among other things, wrote that she was addressing an older uncle, who told her to touch him and give him money in return.

The first evidence that he forced a twelve-year-old girl to have sex and gave her money for it was presented to the police by the founder of the “Tijana Jurić” foundation, Igor Jurić.

Doctor Š. T. has known the girl since 2018, when she was only ten years old. By the way. Eleven years ago, in 2009, T. was sentenced by the Novi Sad Court of First Instance to one year in prison, suspended for five years, for illegal sexual acts. According to that verdict, he was banned from practicing medicine for five years, Telegraf reports.

Would you read a children’s newspaper?

The victim he abused more than 10 years ago called

After her arrest, another victim who was sexually abused more than a decade ago was able to share her story and burden with the world. The arrested doctor retired last year and used to be a judicial expert.

Incidentally, sexual intercourse with a child is usually a crime under Maria’s law, passed in 2013 to punish convicted pedophiles more severely, and as a sign of remembrance of eight-year-old Marija Jovanović from Stari Ledinac, near Novi Sad, who was raped and then strangled by her neighbor Mladen Ogulinac. . After a persecution that lasted 20 hours, Ogulinac was arrested and died in a prison cell. Maria’s law was initiated by the Pedophile Registry, in which people who have been convicted by final court verdicts for some of the crimes against the sexual freedoms of minors.

In 3 years, 19 pedophiles were accused of adultery

According to some data, from October 2016 to October last year, 19 people were accused of having sex with a minor, but 40 percent of them were released, while 15 percent were sentenced to between five and ten years from prison.

The “Armageddon” police operation, which began in 2011, has so far arrested several hundred suspects for displaying, obtaining and possessing pornographic material and exploiting minors for pornography. A large amount of material on child sexual abuse, hundreds of thousands of photos and videos, was seized from them. Among the suspects, there are those who are 25 years old, but also those who are over 80. They are people of all profiles, married, single, convicted, unconvicted, educated, not educated …
