From the comments about Kostunica, everyone cried with laughter, and Marić does not stop praising! (PHOTO)



01.04.2021. 23:30

In this episode, viewers were able to see Slobodan Milosevic’s struggle not to be brought to The Hague, while Ceda Jovanovic is negotiating with him. Twitter users constantly praised

Milan Marić – Family Series, Photo: PrntScrn

Series “Family” pushed the boundaries, especially after the fourth episode tonight, and the comments on social media kept pouring in.

In this episode, viewers were able to watch the fight. Slobodan milosevic not to be driven to The Hague, doc. Ceda Jovanovic negotiate with him. Twitter users constantly praised.

In addition to everyone who commented on the excellent performance of the cast of this series, there were other comments:

There were also those who drank “a few glasses” while watching the series.

“Family ten out of ten!” Is just one of the comments after watching the fourth episode.

Many also praised the series’ music:

“Honest Music in the Family of Eleven Series of Ten”.

Let us remind you, Boris Isaković and Mirjana Karanović presented the characters of Slobodan Milošević and Mira Marković in an extraordinary way, Ulix Fehmiu in the role of Zoran Đinđić, Svetozar Cvetković in the role of Vojislav Kostunica, while Milan Marić took over the role of Cedomir. Jovanović.

Other roles are played by Tijana Markovic, Radovan Vujovic, Gordan Kicic, Karatina Zutic, Milutin Karadzic, Vuk Kostic, Marko Bacovic, Milos Timotijevic, Ljubomir Bandovic, Dubravka Kovjanic, Svetlana Bojkovic, and Jana Bjelica.

What Vuk Kostic said about the role of the Legion and why only he could play it, as well as about life during the Milosevic government, read HERE.
