“FROM MAXIMUM STRENGTH YOU FEEL TIRED, PAIN …” Alexander is a young anesthesiologist, he has been fighting for patients since the first day of the epidemic, and then a colleague called him and said: “You are positive!”


As one of the youngest anesthesiologists in my 30s, I began the fight against corona, day by day, according to plan and schedule. I didn’t think of anything other than saving as many lives as possible. No matter how hard we try in all fields, the virus certainly lives its life in parallel with all of us and can easily find its way to each of us, so it somehow got to me. From my experience, I can say one thing: it is really unpredictable, its story begins for “Blic”, Dr. Aleksandar Nikolic, a young anesthesiologist at the Clinical Center in Nis, who won the crown.

It was a fairly normal day, a weekday like any other. A fight for each patient, and at home, a family waiting for their hero to return from the shift. Dr. Alexander explained to us how unpredictable the virus is multiple times during all these months, but this time he felt everything on his skin.

– Without any symptoms, it all started, I finished my service completely healthy. I got home, everything seemed normal, and then after a short rest I felt pain in the spine, and then the temperature appeared … so that after the rest everything in one day started as a pain in the spine, and then the temperature. After the test, I waited for the results and in the meantime a lung scan … Nobody likes uncertainty, and suddenly I found myself on the other side, watching my colleagues do everything they could to help, says Aleksandar.

“With all your strength you feel fatigue, pain, fever …”

As this young doctor explained previously, Covid-19 is unpredictable, and everything can change in a short time, you feel fatigue, pain, temperature in full force …

– I waited for the results like all the other patients, they were all waiting for theirs, and then one of our most experienced radiologists came out and told me that we had to do a lung scan, for the suspicion that something serious was happening, while the telephone and the epidemiologist sounded at the same time informs that I am positive – he says.

He admits that he felt his heart beat, but feeling safe in the hands of his peers gave him security.

– When you are a doctor, when you see all the fights, especially to me anesthesiologists who face the most difficult cases, I can’t say that at that moment I didn’t feel my heart beat, but I knew one thing, whatever it was, only that it was my family well, and for everything else, I’m sure I’m in the safe hands of my colleagues – says Aleksandar.

“The video showed bilateral pneumonia”

After learning that it is positive, on the same path marked in red that he went through countless times, he sets off now, only without a spacesuit, a protective suit, this time as a patient.

– Just entering the hospital makes me nervous, and the concern in the eyes of my colleagues scares me even more. I went to bed, the video came in and it showed that I had bilateral pneumonia, but fortunately the initial stage. After thinking and agreeing, since I know how this disease works, I came to the conclusion that at this moment I can fight on my own and continue my fight at home. I know it is a happy circumstance because the virus was discovered in time, and I received the appropriate therapy, which will undoubtedly give results, and it did – explains Aleksandar.

Bilateral pneumonia

Photo: private archive / RAS Serbia

Bilateral pneumonia

As this young doctor points out and appeals, it is not good for anyone to treat themselves except in those cases in which they have enough experience, and all the parameters show that it is possible to fight outside of hospital treatment. Symptoms vary and it is necessary to monitor the condition, which was possible in your case, and based on your experience and in agreement with colleagues, you determined that you could stay home at this time.

– From the symptoms, I had a fever, malaise, headache, occasional cough, but everything was bearable, but like all my colleagues who got sick, and before that they saw everything in the red zone, I didn’t feel better mentally. The images of all the patients he fought for and sadly lost were before his eyes. For 14 days in isolation, I did not sleep more than 4 hours a day, I woke up with a pulse oximeter on my arm, and the uncertainty killed me about what would happen tomorrow, if I had infected my family … – he says.

But luckily everything went well and the young doctor came out as the winner of this story.

– It is not naive, it is not simple, and nothing is better than the correct reaction at any given time. My health condition allowed treatment at home, but do not be fooled that it is always possible, because it is not, so do not wait, contact a doctor immediately to get the correct and precise therapy, just in time – says the anesthesiologist that he felt it himself. what it looks like to fight the virus head to head.

“Doctors give their best”

From the beginning, I responsibly affirm that each of my colleagues gave their maximum, both professional and human spirit, which they spent and gave selflessly. The epidemic is that the whole world is facing a virus and an identical problem, some doctors have become patients themselves, but we do not complain or cry, much less regret because it is our job, says Dr. Alexander.

Doctors give their maximum

Photo: private archive / RAS Serbia

Doctors give their maximum

As he says, everyone who has been in this fight from the beginning is not just colleagues but family because they used to spend more time together than with family.

– I was victorious in this battle, I recovered, I returned to the red zone in a space suit, I am waiting for the vaccination period, and my message is clear: take care, there are no untouchables, the youth map does not guarantee that you are safe. Follow the recommendations and get vaccinated, do not listen to “Slavica” in vain because “Slavica” did not see what we are, that young lives are instantly extinguished, sadness and the faces of families when you tell them the news that they have lost their only son , “Slavica”, know scientific technology and achievements as they know and what they are talking about – says Dr. Aleksandar Nikolić, a young anesthesiologist from Niš.
