FROM 20,000 TO 2 MILLION All penalties for non-compliance with the measures in one place and don’t forget: PLUSH REPORTS!


Failure to comply with the epidemiological measures adopted to combat the coronavirus can cost us dearly, both financially and by increasing the number of infected. Some of the measures that citizens of Serbia often do not respect are the gathering of up to 30 people indoors, but the fact that they do not maintain the prescribed distance of at least 1.5 meters.

Dr. Predrag Kon, an epidemiologist and crisis staff member, reacted harshly to the images and recordings he received of a pop artist’s performance, emphasizing that it was about “boycotting all epidemiologically prescribed measures.” There was a lot of dust in the public after Kon condemned the mass rallies at the celebrations in Smederevo and Vrnjačka Banja, which were later determined to be conducted by Teodora Džehverović. Immediately afterwards, he sent a letter to Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, following which an extraordinary meeting of the Crisis Staff was held, during which further action was taken.

The Crisis Personnel sent letters to all mayors and mayors reminding them that they are obliged to ensure respect for all epidemiological measures in their territory, without exception, and that there will be no tolerance for non-compliance with the measures.

If even a slight breach of preventive measures is noticed, the competent authorities are obliged to act in accordance with the law and sanction such behavior. This especially concerns the organizers of various events throughout Serbia, whose obligation is to provide all conditions so that the health of citizens is not endangered.

Billing phones ring non-stop

By the way, the telephones of the Inspection of the Republic to denounce those who do not respect the epidemiological are hot, and as “Blic” wrote, in recent days the operators have their hands full, the reports are arriving minute by minute.

– We receive many requests every day. They refer to the realization of various gatherings, to the work of clubs, as well as to those applications that are not to wear a mask or disrespect at a distance. Requests come more from the periphery, compared to Belgrade. They also came for meetings of more than 1,000 people, for breach of quarantine, but also for the malfunction of the cafes – the operators who work on the phone number – 011/6350322 – pointed to “Blic”.

There are few more who would not report

In order to investigate how willing citizens are to report their neighbors, individuals, anyone who violates the rules and therefore puts us all in danger, we conducted a survey on our website. It turned out that there are still a few more who would not decide on something like that.

To the question: “Will you report if you see that someone does not respect epidemiological measures?”, Most of the responses were next to the statement “No, that is the competence of the inspectors, not the citizens” (357 votes), while immediately afterwards was the statement. “Yes, of course, I am irritated by the arrogance of individuals” (293).

SurveyPhoto: Blic / screenshot


139 respondents stated that they do not want to cause trouble for anyone, while 123 of them answered “Yes, if I could endanger other people”.

Sum sumarum: 469 or 53 percent of them voted not to report, and 416 or 47 percent said they would.

Pepper penalties

By the way, in addition to the fact that an intensive supervision inspection of restaurants and cafeterias has been started, to see if they respect all the measures, the prices of the fines that may reach them are also high.

That is, there should be no more than 30 people inside, it is mandatory to wear masks of all employees all the time, while guests can be without them while sitting at the table, and the prescribed distance from al minus 1.5 meters.

Penalties for failure to comply with such measures can be a minimum of 500,000 dinars. As highlighted by the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, it is certain that the fine will not be less than that amount.

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

The owners are obliged to organize the maintenance of hygiene, disinfection of utensils and tables, provide protective equipment on tables and toilets, as well as machine washing dishes.

The fine for employees who do not respect the prescribed measures ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 dinars.

Those who do not wear masks on public transport in the city or indoors will need to be ready to “charge” between 20,000 and 150,000 dinars. Legal persons that do not respect the prescribed measures will allocate 50,000 to 2,000,000 dinars from the account.

Photo: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

A fine in the amount of 50,000 to 2,000,000 dinars will be imposed on a health institution and another legal entity for fault if it does not carry out disinfection, disinsection and deratization, and does not comply with the prescribed conditions or act according to the ordered measures and does not participate in mandatory form in the control of infectious diseases. and the use of certain facilities, equipment and means of transport.

The responsible person in the health institution and another legal entity will be fined in the amount of 30,000 to 150,000 dinars. The founder of a private practice, an entrepreneur, will be fined 50,000 to 500,000 dinars for the violation.

For the determined offense, a natural person will be sanctioned with a fine of 20,000 to 150,000 dinars.

All citizens of Serbia who notice the breach of preventive measures can report it through the exclusive Contact Center for Inspections through the portal or by calling the phone number 011/6350322.

ADDITIONAL VIDEO: In Belgrade, mandatory masks in transport and indoors
