
Photo: Printscreen / Kurir television
Actress Ljiljana Jaksic is the proud mother of Darija, who became a high school champion this year.
However, the happiness of such a moment is not only spoiled by the pandemic, but also by the economic situation, since it has not worked for months.
– You’re talking to one of the happy mothers that her son started first grade. Without a doubt, it is a success for us and our children, considering the pandemic and other life circumstances that are less favorable for some and more favorable for others. First we had “forgiveness for kindergarten” and great educators, we adored Iván, then Zlata, Milica. Darija also cried when she left kindergarten and promised the doorman Danilo that she would come to visit them. The first day of school was our holiday: excited, festive, and joyful! This time, my mother cried with happiness – says Ljiljana, admitting that getting used to obligations was not easy:

– He prefers to play, but without discipline there is no positive habit.
Going to school is also a big financial expense.
– I am very grateful and of course always willing to give back to my friends who helped us complete our school. Zoka, Ana, Branko, Dragica, Rada, Aunt Sneška, without them it would have been much more difficult, because my mother has not worked for months. I am also grateful to the law firm, who, with the annual donation for performing the play “Skadarlija” in Skadarlija, helped us to get through a period without work more normally. It is a gesture that restores faith in people, in the human that exists in each one of us, only if we let it float – says Ljiljana, and says that it is not difficult for her to do everything necessary to make her daughter happy, and for obligations he never regrets.
– Obligations? Except for a fifteen-day vacation, I didn’t have a day without obligations until the pandemic. It tells us that we are alive, that we can, last, move on. And if it is about our son, it is not an obligation, it is a pleasure that you usually do very tired, and sometimes you may even fall asleep, and then you enjoy it. This is how I think about obligations, because if I had to fix it it would be a long list, so your head turns when you realize that you have to stretch a day from 24 hours to 36 hours to finish everything. And accumulating obligations brings stress. I prioritize first, of course, Daria is first in everything. Well, there used to be manicures, pedicures, beauticians, today I wonder what it was – says the actress with a smile, adding that the heiress currently wants to deal with archeology:
– Darija loves that her mother is an actress and looks forward to every opportunity to see her. She loves public appearances, she loves to sing, dance, recite, the microphone has fascinated her since she walked, but for now she wants to be an archaeologist, “explore what used to be”, she wants to be a seamstress, she is active in the kitchen in cutting fruits and vegetables, and most of all he likes to browse geographic atlases, read about space and planets. I try to find, explain, follow their interests – reveals Ljiljana.


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