Friday with Lajak: ZSO immediately, EU in test


Belgrade – The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovi spoke today with the EU Special Representative for the Dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajak.

Source: B92



Petkovi told Lajak that the JCC must be formed immediately and with the powers that correspond to it according to the Brussels agreements.

“Now, not only Pristina’s willingness to resolve issues through dialogue is being tested, but also the ability of the EU as a mediator in the dialogue to ensure the implementation of the agreement,” Petkovi said, according to the Office for Kosovo. and Metohija.

According to him, the Association of Serbian Municipalities has only one goal: to protect the position and rights of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija.

“In recent weeks, we have witnessed that neither the rights nor the security of Serbs can be protected in the current political and legal framework in our southern province,” Petkovi said.

He affirmed that Belgrade, in the interest of the entire region, wants to continue the dialogue and resolve the open issues by peaceful means, but that constructivity and credibility must be demanded from Pristina, because it is a process that must be based on mutual disposition and good faith. .
