04.10.2020. 09:05
The parents did not realize when the child left the house.

Operation, Photo: Hello! / Marko Djokovic
A two-year-old boy died in a Ukrainian hospital ten days after being attacked and bitten by two German shepherds at a birthday party.
The parents were unaware when the boy left the home where family and friends gathered on September 18 to mark his second birthday. Little Yegor was in the yard when the dogs ran out of the box and attacked him. Later it turned out that the father did not close the boxing door well. When they noticed that the child was missing, the parents went out and found the dogs, which were still attacking him.
Are the parents to blame for the child’s death?
– The boy lay unconscious in a pool of blood. The dogs scratched him, said Aleksandra Timoshenko, who volunteers with a charity and helped the family raise money for the boy’s treatment.
The boy was transported by military helicopter to the Regional Children’s Hospital in Dnipro, where he was immediately connected to a respiratory apparatus. Four teams of surgeons fought for his life. During the five-hour operation, surgeons connected his blood vessels, sutured his bladder and intestines, and removed tissue “that the dogs were biting into.” After losing consciousness, Yegor no longer regained consciousness. Natalija Dementjeva, director of the hospital, claimed that the boy had extremely serious injuries.
The police launched an investigation against Yegor’s father and mother for failing to fulfill parental duties. If convicted, they face up to three years in prison.