FOUR NEW ORDERS: Novi Sad Emergency Headquarters Has Made New Decisions


The number of new infected people in Novi Sad has exceeded three hundred, and part of the population continues to behave irresponsibly, as if not accepting the reality of the serious illness caused by the Kovid 19 virus. According to the estimates and expectations of epidemiologists, To protect the health of citizens and the functioning of the city’s economy, the City Headquarters, as noted, adopted a new package of significantly stricter measures, orders related to the operation of shops and other commercial activities , taxi drivers, restaurants, and house rules in residential buildings.

Under the new order, taxi drivers and users are obliged to wear protective masks, as long as service users cannot use the front seat of the vehicle.

Catering companies are obliged to provide a distance of at least two meters between tables in all catering facilities, gardens and other facilities where the sale of goods and the provision of services takes place, so no more than four people they can be at a table, except the members. the same family. The entrance to the Night Club is possible only with the sale / distribution of tickets numbered from 1 to the allowed number of people who can be present in the facility at the same time. The order also prohibits the consumption of food and beverages in front of catering facilities from which counter food sales are made.


The new order also determines the time of day and night rest in residential and residential-commercial buildings, on the territory of the city of Novi Sad, in the period from 4 pm to 5 am the next day.

Business entities engaged in business activities are required to limit the number of people who can be present in the facility at the same time, so that one person can be present for every four square meters.

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