FOUR MORE DAYS FOR THE PENSION UNDER THIS YEAR’S RULES As of January 1, the situation for women is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, this is what is changing


Those who want to retire according to the regulations in force this year, have four more business days to submit their application. The branches of the Pension Fund will not be operational for long for the first time on December 31. The new rules apply to women who will work two more months for an old-age pension, and the lower limit for early retirement for both sexes is moving.

What about the crown? What about the slightest change in retirement age for women so far? There is no sign of the old crowds before the end of the year at the counters of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund. However, the City Hospital doctor decided not to wait another month, she was also a patient of this epidemic, writes RTS.

Photo: Shutterstock

“I fulfilled the conditions – 63 years of life and 37 years of service, and I decided to retire, considering this whole situation,” says Dr. Verica Stanković.

Each day, the Fund receives around one hundred retirement applications. They can be submitted both by mail and electronically, it is important that the mailing date is December 31 at the latest, and that the employment relationship has been terminated the day before.

“The number of applications for old-age pension presented in 2020 is completely the same as before, but that is why the number of applications for early old-age pension has been reduced, by twenty percent,” says the director of the branch of Belgrade of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, Ivan Todorovic.

Employees are now more willing to wait years to retire without penalty points: women will be able to do so from January 1 at the age of 63 years and 2 months, while for men it will remain the same. However, women will not be able to retire early as of January 1, before the age of 58 and four months and 39 years and four months of service. Men with 59 years and 40 years of service.

We remind you, until 2002, women retired at 55. For almost a decade and a half, with several changes in the law, that border is in constant motion. They last for 6 months. Now it has slowed down, so with two months out of the year, only in 2032 will we have retirees who will have to work until age 65. Now they only do it if they want to.

In recent years, the number of pensioners has decreased slightly, now there are around one million 690 thousand of them, 65% of them are on an old-age pension, the number of agricultural and disabled pensioners is decreasing.

“Let’s say that in 2018 it was around 0.8 percent, so that in total about 14 thousand fewer people realized the right to retire last year,” says Vladimir Stanković of the Sector for the Exercise of the Rights of Policyholders of the Fund of Pensions and Disability.

Despite this trend, the pension fund budget for 2021 is worth 724 billion dinars.
