13.11.2020. 10:47
Kovid-19 has a number of symptoms, but in addition to the official ones that are shortness of breath, dry cough and high fever, there are also symptoms that occur frequently and that many ignore because they are not associated with the corona virus.

Korona, Photo: Tanjug
The British “The Sun” brings a list of four symptoms that, according to experts, should not be ignored.
Although stomach problems are most often associated with noroviruses, it turned out that there are a large number of coronavirus patients who experienced stomach pain before all other symptoms. A text about that was published in the scientific journal American Journal of Gastroenterology, where it is observed that many people who before all other symptoms felt alterations in the digestive system, most of the time in the form of diarrhea.
A study of 204 patients from China, more precisely from Hubei province, was also conducted. It was shown that 48% of those surveyed went to the hospital with symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain, only to later turn out to have kovida-19.
In the first wave of the pandemic, the British media wrote about Haslam Island (29), which was infected with covid, and it was her stomach problems that were her biggest symptoms. He then told “The Sun” that he woke up in the morning with stomach problems, but that he believed it was the result of the legumes he had eaten for dinner. However, the next day, she felt a sore throat and tiredness, and then the other more well-known symptoms of kovid began to appear.
Even at the beginning of the pandemic, conjunctivitis was written about as a possible sign that a person is infected. The British Association of Otolaryngologists also issued a statement that an eye infection could be a symptom.
– Evidence from other countries indicates that the entry point of the virus is often in the eyes, nose and throat; the statement states, and scientists believe that the loss of taste and smell is a consequence of the virus destroying these cells when it enters the nose and throat. This further suggests that if the virus is the eye’s entry point, the first symptom is most likely an eye infection.
Ryan Van Watershut (28) had a loss of sense of smell and taste among the first symptoms. However, within a couple of days, his condition suddenly worsened, for which he was hospitalized and spent five days on mechanical ventilation. Fortunately, he made a successful recovery.
Brain fog or mental fatigue is another common symptom of kovid, which is often used as an indicator that there is a high possibility of infection. Thus, Tea Jordan (50) told the Daily Mail, after going to bed, that her infection started with a dull headache.
– I felt exhausted and exhausted, I could barely crawl. I had no fever or cough, but I had a feeling that something was in my lungs, as if I had inhaled talcum powder, I also felt mentally tired. He couldn’t think of anything, he just wanted to sleep, he tells the Daily Mail.
Another common symptom that occurs to officers is tiredness. A report from the Journal of the American Medical Association says that 44 percent of hospitalized patients in the United States experienced fatigue before all symptoms.
Chiara Digalorenzo (25) from Italy described her case of infection in March. He says it all started with terrible fatigue and fever. At first he thought it was the flu and then he began to squeeze his chest.
After that, she felt symptoms like loss of sense of taste and smell, but she also points out that the first sign that something was wrong was that terrible fatigue.