Former UKP director Milačić told me not to seek the truth!


Murder Aleksandra halabrina (26) from nearby Pancevo, who was found dead and buried in a field in Sopot near Belgrade in May 2020, is still shrouded in mystery, and his mother says she believes that Veljko Belivuk’s clan, called Velja Nevolja , is behind it all, as some people in the police deliberately diverted the investigation and took it in the wrong direction.

– A week before Belivuk’s arrest, I received information “that I will never know who killed my son, as well as that he was killed by someone powerful, close to a part of the country.” With that information, I went to the police and told what I discovered. That same day, at night, the inspector called me and told me to go to the police station on the morning of November 29, because he was scheduled to speak with two important people: Mara Halabrin, the mother of the murdered Aleksandar. he told Kurir.

Scheduled conversation

As she says, the next day she went to the police with her sister, and there, as she claims, she met her. Ilija Milačić, who was arrested on February 12, days after the police arrested Veljko Belivuk and members of his clan. Milacic, the former head of the UKP, is suspected of revealing official secrets and has been sentenced to one month in detention.

– Milačić, who was with another boss, whose name I forgot, told me to let him know if he received more information about the murder. He said that I should not believe such information, that I should not inquire about the murder and that not everything that comes to me is true – says the mother and wonders if it is possible that someone asks her not to seek the truth about the death of the only child . As she adds, she thinks so Alexander liquidation He has connections with the Belivuk group, depending on the manner of execution, but also other facts that he arrived at during these years.

– After the arrest of the Belivuk group, I went to the police again to ask if there was new information now and if the murder was now related to them, but I received the answer “that the case is being worked on and that it is not connected. yet “. However, I still think it is, it is determined.

Aleksandar Halabrin disappeared in Belgrade on March 20 and on the fateful day he went to meet another. He was last seen in Banjica getting into a car.

Ilija Milacic, Aleksandar Halabrin, murder
photo: Courier

Horrible crimes

– I went where he was last seen. I saw that there was a camera in a nearby store. I asked the police if they reviewed the images and they asked me if I asked. I also found out that the police were able to locate a mobile phone seven days after we reported the disappearance, but I doubt it was done, my mother told the media earlier, adding that she also received information that Aleksandar was murdered in a home of weekend.

Let us remind you that Veljko Belivuk was arrested on February 4 and members of his group were also handcuffed alongside him. They are accused of at least three kidnappings and murders, drugs and weapons, and the group is suspected of being behind a dozen more disappearances of young people.

Relationship with fans He hung out with Vukićević and Alajbegović

Halabrin had a police record and his own family members said he had caught bad company. After he was found dead, the family learned that he knew Lazar Vukićević, a Zvezda fan who disappeared last year and whose disappearance is linked to Belivuk’s team. In addition, Halabrin was present when Nenad Alajbegović Alibeg, former leader of the Parisian fan group Zabranjeni, was injured by unknown persons in New Belgrade last year.

Brutally tortured, certified and buried

Alexander Halabrin’s body was found after a two-month search, on May 16. It was accidentally discovered by a shepherd in Sopot, whose dog sniffed the body in a shallow grave. He was lying down, without clothes, wrapped in a bag and his fingers were missing. A bullet hole was visible in his head, indicating that he was certified, and before his death he was probably tortured.

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