Former DB boss Radomir Markovic holds the crown


Radomir Markovic (74), former head of State Security, who is serving a 40-year sentence in “Zabela”, fell ill with kovida-19. The former first man of the secret police during Slobodan Milosevic was isolated by illness in the cell of the Seventh Pavilion of the “Zabela” prison in Pozarevac, where he is serving a 40-year prison sentence.

– Markovic used to have a roommate, but after he was diagnosed with kovid-19, he was left alone in the room, so as not to infect anyone. They gave him all the care and he follows the instructions because he is still a man in his last years – says the interlocutor from Alo prison.

The illness temporarily interrupted Markovic’s work as a prison grocer, so he is currently unable to take care of the prisoner’s wardrobe and bedding. The guardian of secrets of the nineties works as a shopkeeper conscientiously, and is in charge of listing civilian clothes, blankets, hygiene products, as well as personal effects of the prisoners, which they do not always need.

Before this engagement, Markovic oversaw the sewer system. The former head of the secret police previously controlled the sewage within the prison walls, to avoid a possible escape attempt at the beginning.

Markovic was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the murder of four Serbian Renewal Movement officials on the Ibar road in 1999, as well as for the attempted murder of Vuk Draskovic in Budva in 2000. In addition to this crime, the former head of the Serbian secret police were found guilty of kidnapping and murder. Ivan Stambolic. He and three other DB members are charged with the murder of the journalist and owner of the “Daily Telegraph”, Slavko Ćuruvija, but that trial has started anew. In the previous trial, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison for inciting murder.
