Former Ambassador Protić: The opposition passed through Serbia in 2000, today it is a hook that is not in RTS


Demonstrations in front of the Federal Assembly building on October 5, 2000

Former Ambassador Milan Protić stated in the debate on October 5, 2000 that the opposition was running through all of Serbia at that time, and that today’s opposition is not doing that, but a hook that is not on Serbian radio and television. Former President Boris Tadic believes that the political culture should have been reformed after October 5 and that the majority of citizens were not in favor of radical changes at the time.

“You don’t need organization, you need good will to go to a cafe to talk to people, to the market. Today’s opponents are from ‘imperial underpants’ and it is beneath their honor to get into the mud. They complain that they’re not on RTS, “he said. Protic at the forum “October 5 – Twenty years later: Society in Serbia faces the challenges of the extra-institutional struggle for political legitimacy”.

As key things that remained to be done after October 5, Protic stated that elections for the Constituent Assembly were not called, in which 500 deputies would decide what type of Constitution should be approved, that a referendum was not called on whether the state system it should be a republic. or monarchy and that at least 100 people who would have been responsible for previous policies were not arrested.

Former Serbian President Boris Tadic assessed that the reform of the political culture, which should be carried out through the media and education, should have been done as a key thing after October 5. He said that as Minister of Telecommunications, he wanted the broadcasting licenses of certain media to be revoked, but that there was no unity in this regard.

Tadic said that there were illusions about October 5 and that the majority of citizens were not in favor of radical changes, because two-thirds of Serbia were conservative.

He pointed out that without the synergy of the opposition parties, citizens, the Otpor organization and cooperation with the unions, it would not have happened on October 5, and that the victory in the elections would not have been possible if Vojislav Kostunica had not been the Presidential candidate.

The journalist Gordana Susa pointed out that on October 5 she promoted the idea of ​​European Serbia and emphasized that after that inflation it fell from 200 to eight percent, that Serbia returned to the United Nations, that wages were multiplied by five and that those Changes charted Serbia’s European course.

She assessed that today there is a lack of solidarity and that the key difference between that and the current moment is that the opposition and the media then had the support of the West, which included financial support, which is not the case today.

Professor Žarko Korać said that even today extra-institutional action is necessary, as a warning, because the democratic system in Serbia is difficult to survive as purely democratic.

He evaluated that the current opposition does not have the support of the West and that it would be good to “get together” and make a platform clearer than the Agreement with the people.

Korac estimated that the current assembly will not last long and that new elections will be held soon.

During the debate, he characterized Kostunica as a “man of continuity” and pointed out that it was a question of whether you were the basic division in Serbia’s democratic opposition for change or continuity.

Former Resistance member Siniša Šikman said the song was a greeting at the time and that it was again, only this time because of the coronavirus.

He stated that people think that the protests on October 5, 2000 were spontaneous, but that they were the result of many years of work and “slashing shoes.”

When asked why education was left to the Democratic Party of Serbia and then to the Socialist Party of Serbia, why the security services were not changed, and why there was a “historic reconciliation” with the SPS, Tadic said that they never had a majority for change and they had to share ministries when forming coalitions.

On reconciliation with the SPS, he said that the coalition was formed so that a coalition of Vojislav Seselj, Tomislav Nikolic, Velimir Ilic and the SPS would not come to power, because the European path of Serbia would be abandoned. He added that in this way his coming to power was postponed, but at least Serbia remained on the European path.
