For them, controversial art and attacking masked people are the SAME!


The hooligan meddling in the exhibition of underground comics drawings “Boys Reunion” in the “Old Capitancy” Gallery, which showed the ugly, dangerous and threatening face of the extremists operating in our country, that aggressive outburst and the social background group that carried it out, received identification from a state institution, and the one in the field of culture and art at the highest level, from the Ministry of Culture and Information.

This ministry, headed by Vladan Vukosavljevic, issued a statement that cannot be described as anything other than scandalous and shameful, which practically equates art with a dangerous vandal attack.

Vladan VukosavljevicPhoto: Dragan Kujundžić / Tanjug

Vladan Vukosavljevic

By equating the attacker and his target, the institution whose job it is to protect and promote cultural values ​​and guarantee artistic freedoms has put itself on the floor of inciting hatred.

It has abused the values ​​on which it must stand and has contributed to further deepening the social divide and divisions that are tearing this country apart.

What exactly is in the embarrassing document?

The statement affirms that “the assertion of ugly and immoral content, wrapped in the cloak of an alleged creative activity, rightly provokes negative reactions from the majority of the public”, as well as that “the exhibition with such horrifying individual works should not have been opened “.

By stating that the exhibition “belongs to the ‘underworld’ of the human spirit, just as the attackers belong to the underworld of hooligans,” the ministry and the man who still runs it directly equates freedom of artistic expression with the intrusion of masked hooligans into the gallery, throwing tear gas and ripping original drawings. 30 years.

Instead of drawing attention to the need to protect the right of everyone to freedom of expression and thought, that is, to do their job, the Ministry gave hooligans the green light to determine what it is ” moral “and what can belong Art.

At the same time, they gave their consent to all those who do not like something, to impose and implement their views by force, behind the backs of the citizens of this country.

Marko SomboracPhoto: Goran Srdanov / RAS Serbia

Marko Somborac

One of the participants in the exhibition, cartoonist Marko Somborac, believes that Culture Minister Vladan Vukosavljević “wants to win a new mandate” in this way.

– The famous Vukosavljevic, who did not do his job and was shaken by REM, the minister who was not allowed to ask them about his responsibility for culture and information, is now encouraged by the alternatives and wants to get a new mandate on popularity of the chase – noted is from Sombor.

The famous comic book artist asked the Prime Minister of Serbia “not to let him do that.”

Sociologist Ratko Bozovic claimed that extremists will continue violence if allowed to do so.

– Extremism is a pathology in itself, it is a disease. If it doesn’t stop, it will spread. It is not possible to treat extremists, but it is possible to prevent them – Bozovic stressed.

He explained to “Blic” that the method on the right is “ruthless” and violent, hitting any sensible form of expression.

– First there were death threats, and then an intrusion into the exhibition with tear gas and a black uniform that symbolizes we know what. And finally, the destruction of everything that symbolizes culture, the values ​​of a point of view, no matter how black and funny it may be. Unfortunately, this is happening to us because the atmosphere has been created that it is possible – concluded Božović.

We have heard many times that someone equates the victim with the perpetrator, seeking the justification of exclusivity, extremism, aggression … If any right-wing organization “wanted to explain” the reasons for the brutal intrusion into the exhibition, we would say that it was expected.

However, for the state institution, which is more called to protect freedom of thought, first declaratively condemn violence, and then justify it and put both sides in the same basket, it is worse than if they were silent. Fear can be understood, but relativization is unforgivable.
