For the first time in 20 years, Rasim Ljajic is no longer in government! Here is the reason for that



25.10.2020. 15:29

As for what he will face next, Ljajic said he has a lot of plans.

Rasim Ljajic

Rasim Ljajic, Photo: Tanjug / Tara Radovanovic

Mandatarka za composition of the new government of Serbia She revealed the names of her cabinet, and for many it is next to the name Tomislav Momirović It struck me that after almost two decades, Rasim Ljajic is not among the ministers.

The leader of the SDPS, Rasim Ljajic, kept his word and after 20 years, he will no longer occupy the ministerial chair.

Which practically means that for the first time in 20 years, Rasim Ljajic will not be in the executive branch.

Let us remind you that Ljajić was elected Minister for the first time in the FRY Government in 2000, after the changes of October 5.

Then he was elected Federal Minister for National and Ethnic Communities.

He was then on the Serbian Government coordinating bodies for Presevo, Medvedja and Bujanovac, as well as for Kosovo and Metohija.

He also served as Minister of Human and Minority Rights, Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Minister of Foreign Trade and Interior, and was Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the National Council for Cooperation with the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

In his earlier statement that he would no longer be Minister Ljajic, he said:

– There are several reasons for this, and two are key. The first is the fact that I announced it two years ago and repeated it several times. Another reason is the frequent accusations by my political opponents and the local opposition that I am in all governments and that I am an eternal minister – he said, adding that he is one of the few ministers who left the government without being expelled.

As for what he will address later, Ljajic said he has many plans, and especially, as he said, he will deal with strengthening his party and its infrastructure.
