For the comments at the end of the test, all his parents take off their hats



19.09.2020. 18:44

Each year an example of a task appears that confuses or infuriates parents.

Comment from a great teacher, Photo: printscreen twitter

This time, everyone has only words of praise for the teacher for the comments she left under the assignment.

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The task was “Write the following numbers with words”, and the word “next” was exactly what confused the little schoolboy, so he increased each given number by one:

– You did not understand, but I know what you wanted to do – is the teacher’s comment, who did not deduct points for this mistake.

– Master queen! With explanation, each part.

– The aim of the task was for the child to show that he can write numbers in letters, so congratulations to this teacher, in the true sense of the word! – Twitter users comment, however, a parent with a different experience also showed up.

– My son also answered last year and got 0 points. And congratulations to the pedagogue who evaluated this student – says Dad.

Other Twitter users estimated that the boy is undoubtedly a future lawyer, when he pays so much attention to the wording of the word.
