
I will not stand in the way of the best possible relations between Montenegro and Serbia, says Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapić, who expressed his hope that relations will be established institutionally that reflect the real needs of the citizens of the two countries.

Krivokapic said that he would like to receive an invitation for his first visit to Serbia because, as he said, he does not see a more important place in the region than Serbia for the talks, the agreements, the agreements that Montenegro should make.

– For Montenegro, Serbia is much more than a political destination to go to – said Krivokapic for the new issue of the weekly NIN.

He also said that he survived the media lynching because he talked about the public meetings between the President of Montenegro, Milo Đukanović, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, which he claimed were not followed by relations between Montenegro and Serbia.

– That must change. From what I could follow from the media, Vučić never spoke of Đukanović, when I knew him for so many years, the way he spoke of me, without saying a word to me – pointed out Krivokapić.

In regards to the fight against corruption and crime, which was announced as a priority of the new Montenegrin government, Krivokapic said that Milo Djukanovic will be prosecuted according to the law if “he is found in the materials that will sooner or later be found. “.

– The intention of this government is not revenge, or hunting people. Our goal is a state governed by the rule of law, in which all will be equal before the law and for which the laws will apply, Krivokapić noted.

Milo Đukanović

Photo: AP / RAS Serbia

Milo Đukanović

Regarding his earlier statements that Montenegro would not reconsider decisions on recognizing the self-proclaimed Kosovo and imposing sanctions on Russia, Krivokapic said it was a political reality, not his political wishes.

– Today there are not enough hands in the Parliament of Montenegro for any of the decisions you are talking about. And that has nothing to do with my career. Even if it ends today, Montenegro will not have the number of hands necessary to make a decision on Kosovo or Russia tomorrow, Krivokapic said.

The target is the EU

He stressed that Montenegro has the ambition to become the 28th member of the European Union, adding that the new government is ready to work on it as much as necessary.

– Eliminate all the deficiencies that separate us from the great European family. The EU has had its problems in recent years, which are not related to the Western Balkan region, and which certainly affect enlargement policy – said Krivokapić.

When asked if he would overturn the decision to declare Serbian ambassador Vladimir Bozovic persona non grata, he said the decision was the latest prank of the outgoing regime, but that he did not believe that the Montenegrin president who denied the agreement to the ambassador would give it back to the man. when he declared it persona non grata.

– And since we have also decided to withdraw the Montenegrin Ambassador from Belgrade, we hope that Serbia, aware of the fact that the President of Montenegro is still Djukanovic, will decide to send a new ambassador. I am sure that even Ambassador Bozovic, aware of the situation, would not want to contribute to the deepening of this issue with his return or public announcement – he said.

Regarding the “Little Schengen”, he said that he has not yet familiarized himself with the details of that issue, as well as that he believes that any regional connection is good, but he does have to choose between the EU and the “Little Schengen “It will decide for the EU because that is the objective of Montenegro.
