For Djilas robots, three-year-old Vukan is a pasha!



24.11.2020. 11:57 – 24.11.2020. 12:09

The media constantly attack President Aleksandar Vučić and his family, and now horrible threats have been made to his sons, Danilo, Milica and the minor Vukan.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: TANJUG / NIKOLA ANĐIC

A real persecution is taking place on the social network Twitter, directed against the President of Serbia and his sons, Danilo, Milica and Vukan, aged three. The shameful posts from the people hiding behind the fake profiles, all under the patronage of Djilas and his like-minded folks, have gone too far.

The profile under the name Dusko raised the question of whether the Serbian president will kiss the patriarch with a clear malicious message.

“Will the president kiss the Patriarch?”, And then the user of the social network by the name SKP added to this embarrassing tweet:

“Of course Danilo and the other brush against hers, and Milica will strangle her grandfather.”

Death threats to President Vučić and his children

Death threats to President Vučić and his children, Photo: Printscreen

Subsequently, the correspondence continued in the same direction.

Death threats to President Vučić and his children

Death threats to President Vučić and his children, Photo: Printscreen

“Crazy Milica, about mom and dad. Menthol Danilo is a crime. Vukan doesn’t even exist, he’s a hologram,” Serz wrote, all under the command of Djilas’ bots.

It is clear that behind these profiles is the spokesperson for Djilas, who in his advertisements expresses open intolerance towards Aleksandar Vučić, his sons, Danilo, Milica and Vukan aged three years.

It has happened many times that Aleksandar Vučić is not a target as president, but the spokesmen for Djilas’s policy directly target the president’s children and the rest of his family, and now they openly threaten minors without any shame.

This is a continuation of the brutal campaign against the President of Serbia and his family, who are victims of the opposition and their supporters.

The question arises, will any of the competent institutions react to the shameful messages that have emerged and stand in the way of the part of the opposition that constantly attacks the president’s family and his children?
