For Arandjelovdan, he sent a PICTURE OF THE TABLE OF GLORY from the ship, and all trace of him has since been lost!


NOVOSADJANIN MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED IN AUSTRIA: In Arandjelovdan, he sent a PICTURE OF THE TABLE OF GLORY from the ship, and all trace of him has since been lost!

Photo: Facebook print screen

According to his wife Zeljka, Milorad worked on the ship from April to the end of the year, and from January to April he spent every year at their home in Novi Sad. This year, due to the corona virus pandemic, the situation was different, so the ship was anchored in Linz, and Vlaović stayed to work with another colleague as a chef.

– He has been working in that company for eight years, so that he is not fired, he stayed to work even though the ship was anchored – his wife Željko begins the story.

As he says, Milorad went to Austria this year, so he spent 10 days in quarantine because he is a foreign citizen, and then he caught a cold and had symptoms of the corona virus, and his quarantine was extended.

– When he passed his quarantine, he went to work for four weeks. She was supposed to be coming home on November 20, but she still stayed a bit longer to help them make cookies. We listen to each other every day, we are in constant contact. We have four children and we often hear about them – he says.

photo: Facebook screen

According to the concerned wife, she heard from her husband on Friday and then again on Saturday after returning from church with their children.

– On Saturday we talked around 12.30, he was in a very good mood. A colleague from the ship celebrated the glory that day. During the day, he sent me photos of the celebration table. The last time we heard each other it was around 3.30 pm and I didn’t want to bother him anymore – says Zeljka.

She says she texted him goodnight at 9:21 pm and noted that she hadn’t opened it, but thought she was enjoying the company and hadn’t seen her, and that she would reply in the morning. When she called him Sunday and he didn’t answer, she thought he was still asleep.

– I texted him every hour. The last one was around 3:30 pm It was our inside joke when the latter didn’t respond and said “Okay, now I’m calling the police.” However, unlike previous messages that weren’t open, it wasn’t delivered. I was worried he wouldn’t respond, but I thought he was missing the internet, she says.

photo: Facebook screen

She was more concerned when there was no signal or voice from Milorad on Monday, because, as he puts it, it is “such that it would immediately run on the Internet Monday morning.” Then something unexpected happened. His neighbor and friend Marko, who has nothing to do with Milorad’s ship or company, entered Zeljka’s house.

– Marko came with puffy eyes and told me that Mića had disappeared. He was called by a colleague from Milorad who had previously worked on the ship. He learned from his colleagues on the ship that Mića was missing and wanted for a week, as well as helicopters flying overhead and divers looking for her, Željko says in disbelief.

Since she did not contact the company her husband works for, she asked her German-speaking daughter-in-law to call them. As he says, neither the secretary nor the head of the company wanted to give them information, they only gave the number of inspectors who are working on the case of Milorad’s disappearance!

– That inspector expressed his suspicions that Milorad got drunk at the party, got out, slipped off the boat and drowned. For us, that story “does not drink water”, because he behaves normally even when he is drunk, and his colleagues told me that he was not drunk. Another theory was that he went out to light a cigarette and then fell, but we don’t believe that either because he left the cigars … – says the surprised wife.

“I just want him alive.”

Željka describes her husband as a person who is not in conflict, “he is a true friend and advisor” to his colleagues.

– I can not accept the history that serve me. He doesn’t look like my husband. While he was in quarantine, no one asked him about his health and then he went to work. Maybe he still wasn’t feeling well. Maybe he got sick, so he went out to ventilate because his rooms are on the lowest floor of the ship, since there is only heating. He could have come out in slippers and without documents so beaten, and I hope someone takes him to the hospital. I do not accept any other option. I just want him alive. If the company is trying to hide something, I cannot allow it … – Željka points out anxiously.

He says the inspector told him the search dogs sniffed the path leading to the ship’s exit. Željka points out that no one at the company her husband works for tells her anything, and that the workers are forbidden to give her information, and “it all comes down to rumors.”

“Everything I hear doesn’t look like my husband,” she says.

If she hadn’t done everything in her power, Željka would not have obtained any information about her missing husband.

– We sent an email to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they went to the embassy in Vienna and then to the consulate in Strasbourg. They contacted said inspector, who told them to call him around noon tomorrow. That is the last information I have. As the inspector said, Milorad has been listed as missing since Saturday at 10 pm and the search began on Sunday, explains Zeljka.

Facebook screen print photos

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Author: delivery courier
