For 80 days he has been alone in the hospital and survives the infernal torment REQUIRED BLOOD GROUP


DANILO (11) IS A THIRD WAY TO FIGHT FOR LIFE: For 80 days he has been lying alone in the hospital and has survived extreme pain that needs blood group B

Photo: Facebook print screen

Eleven-year-old Danilo has already dealt with leukemia twice, but the vicious disease has returned a third time. The boy has been in the transplant block for 80 days, is in severe pain, and the bottle from which the medications are draining constantly sticks to his little hand. Fight for life, and something like this probably wouldn’t last for many older adults.

“The boy survives this hell for the third time. Intensive therapy, a hospital, and medications are his daily routine. Whatever leukemia he got, he endured it. He was transplanted 80 days ago with a bone marrow that has not yet worked. Enough and you need blood transfusions, blood plasma and most platelets, “wrote the Leuka Association for Patients with Acute Leukemia Association’s appeal letter in an appeal.

To fight Danilo this time, he needs charitable donors. The condition is that you are a blood group B, the Rh factor doesn’t matter, that you live in Belgrade, that you haven’t had a cold in the last 15 days and that you don’t take any medicine. For women it is an additional condition that they have not given birth and that they weigh more than 65 pounds.

“It is very important that you call 063/304 – 138 or send a message to the box office, do not go directly to the Institute to coordinate your arrivals and that, due to the current situation, no crowds are created to make work difficult.” We depend on you and your good will to help Danilo, “asked the Leuka Association.


Delivery courier

Author: Delivery courier
