For 24 hours call center for 100 euros


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić stated tonight that 1.6 million adult citizens have registered for 100 euros so far, and only online, and announced that the phone numbers to register through the call center are will post in the next 24 hours.

She is convinced, she says, that the money will go to consumption and that it will be a stimulus for our economy.

Brnabic also said that the entire package of measures was aimed precisely at maintaining the economy and preserving employment, that the measures started on time and that, because of that, there is no high unemployment rate, unlike in other countries.

– We believe, and both the IMF and the World Bank have said it, that we will have the highest growth in Europe this year, that is, the lowest decline and the highest growth in 2021 – Brnabić told RTS.

For now, he says, it is going in the right direction, because the economy started at the right time, but we must keep in mind that we must continue to be disciplined so that we do not have an increase in the number of people infected again.

According to her, although the measures have been relaxed, for now there is no increase in the number of infected and the epidemiological situation is “under control.”

It’s smarter to spend the summer in Serbia

The Prime Minister also asked citizens to stay in our country this summer, because, as she says, there may be a quality vacation in our country and, in addition, it will be a direct aid to tourism and the economy.

He also notes that the profession has repeatedly emphasized that it is much safer to stay at home than to travel abroad, adding that he also believes that many insurance companies will not provide insurance for travel abroad.

“Whatever you look at, the smartest decision is to stay here,” said Brnabić.

She recalled that admission is free for our citizens if they have a PSR test of no more than 72 hours, and if not, they have to isolate themselves for 14 days.

When asked to comment on the citizens’ meeting that took place in front of the National Assembly Chamber on Monday, Brnabić replied that such meetings are prohibited and that it is important that we continue to respect emergency measures.

She says she is glad that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić reacted immediately that night and asked citizens not to meet.

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