Following Trump’s statement, the WHO reiterates that the new coronavirus is of natural origin.


The director of the World Health Organization, Michael Ryan, reiterated that the institution believes that the new coronavirus has a natural origin.

Ryan responded to the statement by United States President Donald Trump that he saw information that the coronavirus may have originated from a virology institute in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

He said the WHO teams have listened “again and again” to many scientists who have investigated genetic sequences and coronaviruses and are “convinced that it has a natural origin.”

Trump said he was convinced that the coronavirus came from the Vuhan Institute of Virology, and then again criticized the WHO response at the start of the epidemic.

Most scientists believe that the new coronavirus appeared in late 2019 at a market in Wuhan, which sold several exotic animals and passed them on to humans from some of them.

The WHO Coronavirus Outbreak Committee recommended that the highest level of alertness continue to be considered a threat to global health.

Coronavirus infection has been confirmed worldwide by more than 3,380,000 people, of whom more than 238,000 have died.
