FISCAL TO THE APARTMENT: The sending of envelopes for the third prize game “Take the bill and win” has started


To motivate citizens to insist on tax bills, the government has prepared an attractive prize fund. Working consumers can count on one of the 60 “Fiat 500 L” cars or one of the 12 apartments in the capital. Ten moles are worshiped at the gates of Zemun and two in Belgrade on the water. The cities and municipalities also compete according to the origin of the majority of the endowments. The most successful will be able to share 180,000 euros to finance public projects, which will be chosen by their citizens.

– The organization of the prize game is one of the activities planned by the National Program for the Suppression of the Gray Economy, based on positive experiences from previous years – explains the Government of Serbia in a statement. – According to NALED research, in the previous round of the “Count and Win 2018” prize game, 41% of Serbian citizens participated, directly or through relatives. They sent more than 107 million invoices and tax receipts, which was the minimum estimated value of 37.4 billion dinars. The prize game also had a positive impact on the tax culture, considering that citizens sent 55 percent more complaints to the Tax Administration for not issuing tax invoices compared to the same period before the prize game. Non-cash payments increased 18.8 percent. More than a third of citizens indicated that the prize game encouraged them to accept tax bills and 42 percent to participate in such action again.


ORGANIZERS say envelopes of any color, size or shape can be used, if they will fit in the mailbox. When addressing the envelope, on the cover it is necessary to write TAKE THE ACCOUNT AND WIN 2020. On the back of the shipment it is mandatory to write the name and surname, the residence address of the personal document, as well as the contact telephone number. Envelopes are sent free of charge and the “Serbian Post Office” is responsible for storing them until the formal start of the prize game.

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