FIRST TIME 3.3% POSITIVE In the last 24 hours, a coronary virus infected 196 people, six died, With: The virus is NOT in circulation


In the last 24 hours, six people died from the virus crown, while of 5,906 analyzed, 196 were positive. For the first time since the outbreak of the epidemic in Serbia, we are only 3.3 percent positive.

According to a press conference in Serbia, 1,379 people have been cured of the crown virus so far, while 65 people are on respirators.

In Serbia, a total of 9,205 cases have been confirmed so far. To date, a total of 91,551 people have been evaluated.

– Unfortunately, in the last 24 hours 6 more have died: two men and four women. The total number of deaths in Serbia is 185 people so far, epidemiologist Predrag Kon said, adding that the death rate is 2.01 percent.

Three children were hospitalized at the Niš Clinical Hospital, 44 children at the Dragisa Misovic Hospital Clinical Center, and two of them were babies.

When asked how many people could have had the virus without knowing it, and what was the situation with regard to herd immunity, experts said:

– The message is not to collect, expensive does not have to cost us mitigation measures. Contacts should not happen. If we meet, we jeopardize everything that has been achieved so far. We know that more than two people in the same room are prohibited, so be it – said immunologist Srdja Jankovic.

Photo: Official of the Tanjug News Agency / youtube

He emphasized that it was too early to obtain collective immunity and that this was our goal.

– Now we cannot rely on collective immunity, but on epidemiological measures. If we become passive and say it’s over, there are big problems – Jankovic said, adding that the estimates in other countries of asymptomatic numbers were from 1 to 5, from 1 to 10. That is higher than the detected number, but he did not say it was a big leak, “he said.

Cohn noted that there are doctors who say that leprosy is much higher.

– We can evaluate in relation to clinical symptoms. We have 3.3 percent positive results compared to proven ones. The virus is not in circulation. On the other hand, if we think about how many people have been in contact and created immunity, we cannot wait, and that would be a miracle – Kon said.

The doctor explained that there would be a large study of over 70,000 tests over the summer, and that we would then know the correct situation.

“Emergency measures remain after the state of emergency has been abolished”

– As for those over 65, they need to move as much as possible. With regard to the number of deaths, that number is worrying and is a consequence of what happened three weeks before, when it became infected at the Gerontology Center and worsened due to the disease of the users. The fatal outcome occurs between the second and the third week. The Crown’s entry into nursing homes should not have happened, but now we have to look at the consequences and the fatal results – Kon said.

He said that the abolition of the state of emergency was related to the abolition of the curfew, but that there would also be extraordinary measures.

– The ban on public gathering inside is still in force and this will change as it has to be done. The percentage of positives decreases and the circulation of the virus makes it possible to reduce the measures related to the prohibition of contact. The elderly can move as before, it will not be possible to restrict them. The basic thing is that we are all aware that they are the most risky and that there is no dilemma and that contact prohibitions are for everyone, but mainly for them – Kon said.

He said he hoped the virus would go away and that it would be possible from June.

– We have to do tests to find out what our immunity is. I personally do not expect a high percentage of protection of the population. Even if the 10 percent, which is high, there are still 90 percent that are not, and the majority of the elderly who have been exposed to the virus, Dr. Kohn said, adding that he did not believe it would ever return the virus this way.

Important phones

Special number of the Ministry of Health on issues related to the Corona virus: 064 8945 235.

Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut”: 011 2684 566

Let us be responsible to ourselves and to others

To allow citizens to communicate with the competent epidemiological services more quickly and efficiently, the Ministry of Health has introduced 20 additional telephone numbers for all information about the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has opened 10 additional additional numbers, and through the same link you can contact the phone numbers of all health centers throughout Serbia.

A single contact center has also been opened for Kovid 19 – 19819

Notification activation paragraph test

