
Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock
Microbiologist Željka Mačak Šafranko from the Infectious Disease Clinic “Dr. Fran Mihaljevic” was the first in Croatia to isolate the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in early March, which was declared a great scientific success.
When asked how far he had been in the investigation, we were met with an unexpected response.
“Unfortunately not a little bit. Although we have some ideas and plans, we are only dealing with diagnosis now. We work very hard so we don’t have time for anything else. However, I hope that when it comes to the hustle and bustle of diagnostics, we will participate in new forms of research. “
From the start of the coronavirus outbreak until early May, the Diagnostic Laboratory of the Infectious Clinic was operational 24 hours a day, without weekends or holidays.
“We worked two shifts of 12 hours each, and after that we were free for 48 hours. It was more difficult to work at night, and especially difficult in the morning when it was really very stressful. We are in a very demanding and inclined position all the time. Although we work almost without respite, we have to be as focused as possible because nothing should go wrong, it just can’t go wrong. Fortunately, we have completed all the tasks so far. The Laboratory is currently working two shifts of eight hours each. “
While working in the lab, everyone wears protective gear, bathrobes that don’t let viral particles escape. The samples are processed in a microbiology cabinet that has a special ventilation and filter system, which prevents the escape of viral particles. Everything that is removed from the cabinet is disinfected with alcohol and disposed of in infectious waste.
Considering that Dr. Cat Saffranko isolated the coronavirus, we wondered if it was possible, in some circles, that the virus originated in a laboratory from which it later escaped.
“The coronavirus did not escape from the laboratory but passed to a human who came into contact with an animal that had the virus in nature. Knowledge so far shows that such viruses, which evolve together with their natural host, pass from an animal to a human being entering the space they reside in. There is no evidence that the virus has spread to humans in the Wuhan markets. “

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Author: Delivery courier