First family tested! In the end, we will find out how many people in Serbia had a crown without even knowing it



05/14/2020 16:38

The test of our collective immunity has begun. The first family was tested in Belgrade on Monday. Faculty of Medicine professor Tatjana Pekmezovic, leader of the study, told “RTS” that the test is planned to be performed on 7,000 families by the end of June.

Infectious Disease Clinic

Infectious Diseases Clinic, Photo: Dejan Briza

She said, as a guest on the RTS morning show, that the families’ calls for the test, to be held in the coming days, have begun. OR Belgrade The first family was tested.

The response from citizens, he says, is satisfactory.

Such research is not common in our population, but it is necessary at this time and it is a strong recommendation of the WHO, which provided a methodology so that the results are comparable in several countries. Studies are currently underway in many countries around the world. – said Pekmezović.

Some citizens are concerned and others fear they will become infected if they are to be tested. That’s why epidemiologists who turn to citizens are trained to provide citizens with all the relevant information, according to the study leader.

Those who have doubts have two or three days to think, consult with relatives or a chosen doctor. – declared Pekmezović.

It indicates that the investigation will determine the level of antibodies against the virus.

If there are antibodies, it means that the person has been in contact with the virus and has been immunized against the disease. How long that time is is an unknown and one of the most important questions for future research. If there are no special antibodies against the virus, it means that it is sensitive and you should always take it into account and comply with preventive measures. – points out the prof. and study leader.

If the family that lives in the town agrees to participate in the study, and for some reason cannot go to the competent public health institute, the institute team will go out into the field.

Three questionnaires

We remind you that the pilot investigation of collective immunity began with the invitation of citizens, during which 1,000 respondents will be invited. During the pilot research, only citizens over the age of 18 will be evaluated. After the pilot research, the study will continue and will include 16,000 respondents aged seven and over. The full study is expected to last two months, more precisely until early July.

Srdja Jankovic

Srđa Janković, Photo: silkscreen

Throughout the test, citizens will complete three questionnaires. The first questionnaire aims to see what is the transmission of the virus in the family if someone was positive. Parameters number of members, their age, as well as their proximity and connection.

The second questionnaire asks questions whose answers will show if people had potential problems. coronavirusBased on this, it will be possible to see later how many people in the country had symptoms of a covid infection. Although based on the third questionnaire, it is estimated how many people are aware of the possibility of becoming infected.

According to the assumptions of those who carry out the study, the entire procedure, which includes completing surveys and taking blood, should take an average of 30 minutes, if the family has four or more members.

The second study, to be carried out in July and August, will include more people and then we will obtain a more accurate result. – said immunologist Srđa Janković earlier.

No one will be forcibly tested, everything will be done voluntarily, and this will show how many people, without knowing it, without symptoms or without diagnosis, won the crown.

It will show us the relationship between the number of diagnosed and detected cases of the disease and the total number of diseases, we do not know that number now. It is true that there are more people than the number we have in the records that were infected, but we will know only when the studies are completed. – Dr. Janković explained previously.
