FIRE IN SUBOTICA A child (16) suffered burns, his house and cars burned


In the settlement of Zorka in Subotica, on Ferenca Bodrogvarija Street, a family property was burning around 3pm today, and fortunately there are no victims.

Fire on Ferenca Bodrogvarija Street in SuboticaPhoto: RAS / RAS Serbia

Fire on Ferenca Bodrogvarija Street in Subotica

“Blic” discovers that there is an auto repair shop inside the house and that the fire completely destroyed several cars.

Citizens who witnessed the fire say that at one point, a gas bottle exploded with a loud bang. Some saw it fly through the air.

Citizens say that several families, linked by family ties, live at the address where the fire occurred, and that the ambulance provided assistance to certain members. I mean, a sixteen year old boy suffered first degree injuries.

Other members of the family were treated by medical workers for swallowing smoke, but all managed to escape to safety. Firefighters reacted quickly and came to the scene with three vehicles, in addition to medicines, which were on standby.

Zorka de Subotica, great firePhoto: RAS / RAS Serbia

Zorka de Subotica, great fire

Neighbors helped put out the fire, did everything possible to prevent the fire from spreading to neighboring buildings.

The most likely cause of the fire was the burning lawn behind the house.
