Find out what he will do with the valuable prize! This is how it is inside PHOTO


MAJA DE PARACÍN OFFICIALLY BECOMES AN APARTMENT OWNER IN BG: Revealed what she will do with the valuable prize!  This is how PHOTO is inside

Photo: Tanjug / Strahinja Acimovic

Today, on behalf of the Government of Serbia, the Minister of Finance, Siniša Mali, signed a gift contract with the winner of the apartment in the prize game “Take the bill and win 2020”, Maja Florić from Paraćin, and with the director of the Directorate of Property of the Republic, Jovan Vorkapić.

Thus, the winner officially became the owner of a 50.47 square meter apartment in the Zemun Gate settlement.

photo: Tanjug / Strahinja Acimovic

Maja Florić thanked the valuable award and invited Serbian citizens to collect invoices and send envelopes.

– We will definitely keep the apartment, we will not sell it, because happiness is not for sale. For now, we have no other plans, the children are growing up and it will be easier for them to decide where they will live – he said and thanked Minister Mali.

The minister noted that the award went to the right hands and told Maja Florić that she was lucky, as her envelope was taken out of 3.2 million envelopes received with tax invoices.

– I want to thank Mrs Florić for the 30 envelopes she sent. Thank you for becoming a partner of the Government of Serbia, your country’s partner in the fight against the black economy. Thank you for the loyalty you have shown in collecting tax bills responsibly and sending them, because the fight against the black economy is one of the most important things we face – he said.

Mali emphasized that the black economy is harmful for all of us, and for the state that loses part of its funds, but also for all citizens.

photo: Tanjug / Strahinja Acimovic

He added that if the citizenry does not take the tax bill, that money will end up in the gray zone, because only those who did not issue that bill will benefit.

– If you take the bill, part of the tax goes to the budget, and from that money we build roads, we also build projects such as the ‘Zemunske kapije’ settlement, we build hospitals, schools, we fight against the crisis caused by Kovid 19, because we buy medicines, equipment doctors, we are helping our economy – said Mali.

As another example of blatant abuse, the minister cited victims of gray businesses: unregistered workers.

photo: Tanjug / Strahinja Acimovic

He pointed out that they do not win, because they do not pay taxes and contributions, they do not have labor rights, but the State also loses.

– We have to fight it. But the competition in the market is such that when people have a job opportunity, they no longer want to work illegally. Fighting the black economy, every percentage by which we cut it, means more money in our budget. We use that money to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Serbia – said Mali.

photo: Tanjug / Strahinja Acimovic

The previous prize game showed, he adds, that tax collection from small taxpayers increased by 33 percent, while there were 47 percent more reports from citizens that they received no tax bills.

– The result was visible. Thanks to the prize game, the conscience of citizens has developed and we look forward to the same this year as well. However, the giveaway shouldn’t be the only reason invoices are accepted. We all need to systematically fight the black economy. Take the tax bills because that way you protect the state, protect yourself, provide a better future for your children, Mali stressed.

He pointed out that the state is fighting against the underground economy in a systematic way, through the approval of new laws, such as the Public Procurement Law, which is already in force, and recalled that the Draft Law on Supervision has been made, which will soon be before the deputies. electronic invoices, which will allow easier VAT refunds.

The Minister of Finance asked the citizens of Serbia to continue to send envelopes with 10 tax bills or 10 tax cuts to participate in the prize game “Take the Bill and Win 2020”, and recalled that 11 more apartments will be awarded, as well as 55 Fiat 500L cars.


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