FILM PLAN DEVELOPERS SENT BY PARAGLIDER OVER 18 KILS OF DRUGS tried to transfer them to Hungary, but the plane crashed (PHOTO)


The prosecutor’s office in Csongrád, Hungary, has brought an indictment against three people who attempted to smuggle 18 kilograms of marijuana from Serbia to Hungary on a paraglider!

The defendants have known each other for a long time and worked together at a company in Szeged. Using their knowledge, but also their resources and love for paragliding, they agreed to smuggle drugs across the border in a very unusual way.

Since May 2018, the team crossed the Serbian-Hungarian border multiple times to find suitable terrain to take off or land. In the end, it was agreed that all the action would take place not far from Horgos, as they discovered the best terrain there, writes Telegraf.

The drugs were allegedly purchased from Novi Sad and loaded onto a paraglider in black bags.

The unusual smuggling operation started shortly after sunset, but due to engine problems, the paraglider fell shortly after crossing the Hungarian border.

Border police immediately arrived at the scene and arrested the injured paraglider, and the investigation revealed that two more men were involved in the entire action.

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