FIGHT AT THE CROWN OF THE PARTY IN BORCA The guests rejoiced all night, and then before dawn chaos broke out, the cafe owner SHOT ON THE ROOF


More than 20 people took part in a fight that took place in a tavern in Borca, Belgrade, on the night between Saturday and Sunday, and the owner was arrested on suspicion of shooting at the ceiling.

The fight happened early in the morning on Sunday, although the catering facility was prohibited from working after 11 p.m. due to the corona virus.

– The guests who were in the tavern all night and rejoiced, although it was prohibited by the measures in the fight against the crown, they fought before dawn and began to fight. Apparently, they even went out in front of the cafe at Zrenjaninski’s booth. It was not known who was hitting whom. The owner of the cafe, to calm the guests, drew a pistol and fired at the ceiling, then fled. Neighbors called the police – says the source of “Kurir”.

They soon found the young man who shot.

– Police brought him in for an interview and forensic experts found a shell in the tavern. He was also found to be in possession of the weapon illegally, the source says.

According to the neighbors, the police sirens woke them up.

– There were more cars, jeeps from the intervention unit and forensics. Before dawn, there was noise and gunfire, and no one was seriously injured, neighbors said.
