Figaro: Vučić uses the coronavirus to present himself as the “savior” of the nation


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has never stopped participating in the campaign, and uses the management of the coronavirus crisis to present himself as the “savior” of the nation, the French newspaper Figaro reported.

The most radical measures were introduced in Serbia: a state of emergency and curfew, without consulting parliament, and Vucic “continued his crisis management campaign presenting himself as the savior of the nation. That propaganda was used in press conferences that they were almost daily. ” Figaro evaluated.

The French newspaper recalled Vučić’s statement, given on April 7, that, if necessary, I get on the plane and go get the respirators.

“Personal delivery of respirators, phone calls to patients, expressing gratitude with tears in the eyes of a Chinese ‘brother’ or ‘friend’ of the United Arab Emirates … This is an integral part of the communication system that has been introduced since that he (Vucic) came to power: he is the undisputed leader, the father of the nation. He is consulted about everything and decides about everything, “said academic Dusan Teodorovic, according to the newspaper.

Figaro adds that Vučić’s tone changed from concern to threat.

There will not be enough space in the cemeteries. if the measures are not respected, “said the Serbian president, quoted by the French newspaper and adding that those who dared to say that it was” abuse of power and a brutal political campaign ” removed as assistant mayor of Novi Pazar or they were unable to obtain permission to open a kovid hospital, as is the case with Sabac.

The French newspaper cited the example of journalists who asked “too uncomfortable questions” at press conferences, which is why those conferences were without journalists. Figaro recalled, among other things, the case threats to the journalist of the weekly Vreme, Jovana Gligorijevićas well as in arrest of journalist Ana Lalić from Nova.rsand Tatjana Lazarevic of KoSSevo, the only independent media outlet in northern Kosovo.

In that suffocated democracy, the international organization Freedom House affirms in the last report that there is a “constant decline” of the rule of law in Serbia.

The French newspaper also wrote about the noise citizens make at night to raise their voices against the dictatorship, but also about the response to that noise by lighting torches and insulting the youth-organized opposition, close to soccer fans who they are under the control of the government.

Figaro adds that the disputes between the opposition and members of the security forces in front of the Serbian Assembly, which continued its work on May 5, continue, and that may indicate some possible violence, especially since the electoral campaign will be increasingly more intense.

“In growing indignation, President Vučić scheduled parliamentary and local elections for June 21 after the postponement due to the coronavirus epidemic, and hastened to mitigate quarantine measures in recent days,” he said. the French newspaper.
