FEAR OF FOREIGN DEATH? The Colombian revealed that he was not afraid of revenge, BUT HE WAS VERY PROBLEM


FEAR OF FOREIGN DEATH?  The Colombian revealed that he was not afraid of revenge, BUT HE WAS VERY PROBLEM

Photo: Printscreen / Instagram

The Colombian Sonja Suárez Gómez (45), the girlfriend of the murdered Strahinja Stojanović (30), returned yesterday to her Instagram account and published the famous children’s song “Baby Shark” and published their joint photo of the summer holidays.

photo: Zorana Jevtić, Private Archive

She said at Thursday’s hearing that Strahinja was not involved in a crime and that he was the owner of the car plot. She claimed that she was deeply affected when the media began linking him to the murder of lawyer Mišo Ognjanović, who was liquidated in July 2018, according to Alo.

– He told me several times that he had nothing to do with the murder of Mišo Ognjanović. I met him last year at a party in Madrid, Spain. He was very kind, a true gentleman, we quickly started a love story. I remember we were together in France when he read on Serbian portals that he was linked to the murder of the lawyer Ognjanović. He then told me that just two weeks after the lawyer’s murder, he miraculously survived the bomb blast. He was very upset when he told me that. He told me that it became clear to him only later why someone wanted to blow it up, but that it had nothing to do with the murder of that lawyer. I only remember well that Strahinja died in my arms. That is something I will never forget – said the Colombian to the prosecutor.

He is still prohibited from leaving Serbia.

photo: Private Archive

Stojanović has a turbulent criminal history behind him, and last year he narrowly escaped death “by a hair”, leaving Serbia for a time. His file is thick and he is suspected of being involved in the murder of the well-known Belgrade lawyer Dragoslav Mišo Ognjanović, which occurred on July 28, 2018. Ognjanovic was a lawyer for Luka Bojovic, the leader of the Zemun clan.

Just two weeks after Ognjanovic’s murder in the house of the building in which he lived, which took place in front of his son, Stojanovic was attacked for the first time.

Namely, an unknown assailant planted a bomb under Stojanović’s BMW, but he escaped death “by a hair” because he exited the vehicle at the last moment before the explosion. However, his then girlfriend, Miss Olac Bilbao González (22), was seriously injured in the explosion.

Following this attempted liquidation, the two cases were suspected of being connected, as Ognjanović said in the months leading up to his death that he suspected Stojanović of following him with another man for months.

The fact that Ognjanović and Stojanović were related is also demonstrated by the fact that Strahinja Stojanović appeared as a witness in the trials for the murder of Nikola Bojović, Luka Bojović’s brother.

photo: Nemanja Nikolić

Stojanović was suspected of being close to members of the Slobodan Šaranović clan, otherwise a blood enemy of Luka Bojović. Those investigators do not rule out the possibility that someone from the Bojović clan has decided to take revenge.

However, according to other sources, lately he has not been afraid of revenge and has been able to move freely.

Stojanovic was killed on September 13 in New Belgrade, when a jeep exploded under which a destructive explosive was placed.

(Kurir.rs/Alo.rs, D. Ćuruvija)

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