FDA SEX CRIMES LITTER Actress Jana Maričić Opened the DOORS OF HELL! Teachers RAPE AND ABUSE female students


The news that the distinguished acting teacher, director and screenwriter Miroslav Mika Aleksić was arrested for sexually abusing his students, was strongly condemned by the public.

In addition to numerous public figures who decided to speak out and support young actress Milena Radulović, who revealed this horrific crime, director Jana Maričić also spoke.

By posting on his Instagram profile, he revealed secrets that have long been hidden in the facilities of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade:

“I hope that the Faculty of Dramatic Art will react appropriately and appropriately in the case revealed by Milena Radulović.” I enrolled with the FDA in 2005 and at that time, Professor BM verbally and mentally abused some of her students, mostly girls, and those who had not previously attended her school. We asked our friends why they tolerate that, but they still explained to us that they are powerless and that this is the method they have to access if they want to stay in the most prestigious acting department in the country at the time. We then heard that the late VJ teacher abused his position and sexually exploited some students. A retired teacher took bribes even from candidates that she later refused in her class. I personally know the parents who paid her the sums of several thousand euros, without her even accepting those children in the preselection ”, said the director and added:

“My classmates and I were fortunate to be taught by Professor Slavenko Saletović, who never addressed us with a nasty word, and was assisted by Iva Milošević, one of the most careful and dedicated pedagogues I know. Today he teaches classes in performance at the Academy of the Arts. The Faculty of Dramatic Art is an institution that had the opportunity to defend and reestablish its reputation with this scandal, at least for the exceptional artists, teachers and pedagogues who taught or continue to teach. “They have a duty. of distancing oneself from something that has been cultivated in that institution for decades by minority individuals, but very manipulative, “he wrote.

Jana then posted on her Instagram profile and explained that she had to delete this post so as not to interrupt further investigation.

“In order not to interfere with the investigation, I deleted the publication. Everything I wrote to the media can be requested by anyone who has studied at the FDA, I do not want to speak for the media,” he wrote.

Jana Maričić
photo: print screen

Kurir.rs / lens / MM

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