FATHER ROMAN RECEPTION RECORD FOR CANCER RECOVERY Results are seen quickly, and here’s how to make and use a cure!



11/23/2018 07:00 – 01/21/2019 00:18

Aloe Vera, med

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Humanity has been using aloe vera since ancient times. This herb was first mentioned in medicine in ancient Mesopotamia.

Later it was adopted by the Egyptians, and today Africa is considered the homeland of aloe vera. Egyptian queen Cleopatra used aloe vera gel to keep her skin beautiful and youthful.

The ancient Greeks treated everything with this plant, from baldness to insomnia. Alexander the Great and Christopher Columbus treated her with the wounds of her soldiers and sailors.

Today, aloe vera is known to cure many health problems and skin problems. What is most interesting to many is the fact that aloe vera is effective in treating one of today’s deadliest diseases: cancer.

Medicinal properties of aloe vera.

There are over 400 varieties of aloe, however there are only a few medicinal medicinal uses (the most popular are Aloe barbadensis miller and Aloe arborescens).

There are almost no health problems that are not beneficial for aloe vera.

It owes its healing properties to aloe vera. This herb contains vitamins A, C, and E, which are powerful antioxidants. It is an excellent source of vitamin B12 and folic acid. It also has enzymes like alkaline phosphatase, lipase, cellulase, and catalase. It is a rich source of calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc, many of which are essential for the proper functioning of metabolism.

This plant contains up to 12 anthraquinones, phenolic compounds that promote proper intestinal function. Aloin and emodin in aloe vera have analgesic, antibacterial, and antiviral activity.

Aloe vera is used for many skin problems and diseases. Reduces frost damage, relieves rashes and psoriasis, heals scars, warts and stretch marks.

Solves scalp problems like dandruff and damaged hair.

It is used to cleanse the body, in diseases of the stomach and intestines, as an aid in allergies and asthma, in diabetes and high cholesterol, and as a weight loss agent. However, the most surprising feature of aloe vera is its effect on cancer, a disease for which modern medicine has no cure.

It houses

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Aloe vera helps fight cancer.

Aloe vera protects and strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body and helps you to recover faster from the disease, making it an indispensable aid for cancer patients. Scientists increasingly agree that our immunity is able to protect us from all diseases and that tumors can only occur if the immune system is damaged.

As long as our immune system is strong, we won’t get sick, but the moment this system fails, dangerous body cells begin to multiply at high speed.

Research has confirmed that aloe vera increases immunity, helps reduce tumor growth, and stops the spread of metastasis.

Aloe vera chemotherapy is easier to tolerate because it alleviates its harmful effects and detoxifies the body. Aloe vera-containing polysaccharides activate macrophages and prevent binding of procancerogenic benzopyrene to hepatocytes, reducing the formation of potentially carcinogenic DNA.

Prescription for cancer treatment

Brazilian priest Romano Zago is the father of this drug, which has been passed down to many families for generations. Try it too.

You need: 35 decagrams of fresh leaves of aloe arborescens; 6 tablespoons of distilled alcohol (whiskey, brandy, rum); 50 decagrams of natural honey.

Use a dry cloth to remove dirt and needles from leafy leaves. Break the leaves into pieces without kneading them, put them in the mixer and add honey and alcohol to them.

Mix everything in a uniform mixture. This mixture does not need to be cooked or strained.

It is important that the leaves are finely ground. Pour the mixture into a dark glass jar and refrigerate.

aloe vera

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Dosing instructions

Take a tablespoon of the mixture 3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal. It is important that the mixture is consumed to the end. Consult a doctor after completing the course. The improvement must be visible in the results.

Aloe treatment can also be combined with other natural cancer treatments such as Dr. Clark therapy, Vitamin B17, Graviola, various diets, etc.

Aloe vera is a magical herb that will help you resist many diseases. Take advantage of the healing properties of aloe vera and stay healthy!

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