FATHER GOJKO PEROVIĆ: The rest of the Metropolitan is all Orthodox Montenegro.


– This is a great and difficult day for our people and the Metropolitan, for the entire Orthodox Church. This is not the loss of a single archbishop, the head of church affairs, this is above all, especially for those of us who knew him best, the loss of a man of strong faith. A man who, regardless of what he did and started, did not look back to see how he was: it is a good moment, it is a good moment, the circumstances … In some inner prayer call and in his prayer, he recognized the moment and he went to work, as did the great holy men of God. In accordance with our popular saying: “May the deceased rest the soul of the deceased in the Kingdom of Heaven, and may the rest toast” here I say with my mouth full in front of this sanctuary that the rest is for all Orthodox Montenegro – he said Perović to journalists in front of the Cetinje Monastery

He recalled that three metropolitans from Cetinje, Amfilohije, San Pedro de Cetinje and Pedro III Petrovic Njegos, died “in three days.”

– That sign of God, which we could not plan in any way, but God arranged it that way, invites us to what the predecessors of the metropolitan requested: peace, love and unity, above all, among the Orthodox believers in Montenegro. Therefore, if we are united in love and brotherhood, then all of Montenegro is united in love and brotherhood. That is today’s call – said Father Gojko.

He said that the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro has already established a protocol when it comes to more events.

– God willing, tomorrow we will serve the funeral liturgy here in front of the funeral of Metropolitan Amfilohije, and then at 1 pm there will be a farewell to his earthly remains in Podgorica. In Podgorica at 2 pm, I can freely say, there will be a solemn welcome, because in this sad moment all that the Metropolitan has done and the faith with which we send him to the eternal life that exists and in which we believe is, between other things, a ceremony for the church. . A ceremony because we have before us a testimony of faith, a testimony of eternal life. Solemn welcome at 2 pm in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica, and on Sunday, in nine liturgies, which will be served by the Serbian Patriarch Irinej with the archbishops, after which the funeral will be held in the Church – he said Father Gojko Perović.


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